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Anderson, Kim L.

Kim L. Anderson

Kim L. Anderson’s career path has been a diverse and divergent one. Prior to obtaining a graduate degree in social work from Washington University in St. Louis, she was a freelance writer, photographer and graphic artist with interests in “outsider art,” expressions of oppression and liberation beyond conventional artistic borders or boundaries.

Linda L. Lamme

Linda Leonard Lamme is professor of education at the University of Florida School of Teaching and Learning  where she teaches courses in children's literature, including international literature, literature for the writing program, literature for the content areas, and multicultural literature. She conducts research on children's responses to literature, book analysis, and literature in the curriculum.

Pringle, Rose M.

Rose M. Pringle

Rose M. Pringle is associate professor of science education at the University of Florida School of Teaching and Learning. Her areas of research include preservice teachers’ positionality as science learners and issues associated with learning to teach inquiry-based science. She is particularly interested in working towards increasing the participation of minorities, especially girls of African descent, into mathematics and science related careers.

Kiner, Robert W.

Robert W. Kiner

For nearly three decades, Dr. Robert Kiner was a K-12 public school administrator and instructional leader. He served as a middle school and high school assistant principal, middle school and high school principal, and held key central office positions including Superintendent to the Sioux Falls, SD school district. He has several journal publications and has spoken extensively at local, state and regional conferences and workshops.

Callan, Mary Frances

Mary Frances Callan

Mary Frances Callan recently retired after serving the last fourteen years of her career as superintendent of schools in Milpitas, Pleasanton and Palo Alto, California. She now coaches aspiring and new superintendents, assists with superintendent searches, and is co-developing a curriculum to train aspiring and new superintendents. Earlier in her career she was a teacher, counselor, and administrator in a number of states as well as overseas.

William J. Levinson

William Levinson recently retired after serving twelve years as the superintendent of the Tamalpais Union High School District located in Marin County, California. Since retiring Levinson works with a national search firm and has conducted numerous superintendent searches. He provides coaching support to principals, aspiring and new superintendents, and nonprofit executive directors.

Anderson, Shona

Shona Anderson

Shona Anderson has been an educator since 1996. Her work as both an English teacher and a French teacher led her to administration in 2003 for the Bluewater District School Board. Anderson is also a part-time faculty member of the University of Western Ontario. She started her teaching career with the Upper Grand District School board as a core French teacher.

Waller, Laura B.

Laura B. Waller

Laura Waller, MS/MA, is a former elementary school teacher, an author, a National Certified Counselor, and a Licensed Professional Counselor. She holds a master’s degree in elementary education from Johns Hopkins University and a second master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling from Capella University. Waller is also an ADHD-Certified Clinical Services Provider.

Troen, Vivian B.

Vivian B. Troen

See Vivian and Katherine's Presenter Profile Here!VIVIAN TROEN and KATHERINE C. BOLES 
