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4439 Results Found


Samkoff, Rhoda M.

Rhoda M. Samkoff

Rhoda M. Samkoff is a popular speaker and educational consultant, formerly a teacher in the Millburn (NJ) School System. She holds a Masters degree in Curriculum and Teaching from Teachers College. Columbia University in New York City, and is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, Honor Society in Education.

Ross, John D.

John D. Ross

John Ross has been helping educators from the classroom to the state board room better understand how technology integration enhances school improvement efforts for more than a decade. Spearheading the 2004 launch of an online professional development environment for an educational non-profit, Dr. Ross has since designed and delivered online professional development that has gone to many thousands of educators in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Glick, Margaret C.

Margaret C. Glick

Margaret Glick is an educational consultant specializing in neuroeducation. Her passion is promoting a working understanding between current neuroscience research and its implications to education. This passion stems from the belief in the capacity of educators to reach the highest level of learning and thinking in order to continuously reflect and improve their practice.

Ruth Swinney

Ruth Swinney is a native of Colombia, S.A. She started her career as a bilingual teacher in New York City. In 1984 she founded one of the first dual language programs in New York City in PS 84, and subsequently became director of bilingual and dual language programs for a large District in NYC. In this role she supervised bilingual and ESL programs, and developed seven model dual language programs for the District.

Patricia Velasco

Patricia Velasco started her career as a speech pathologist in Mexico City. After finishing her EdD in the United States, she established a Staff Development Institute (Casa de la Ciencia) that works with indigenous bilingual children and their teachers in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico .

Allison, Sandra Boyd

Sandra Allison

Sandra Boyd Allison is an experienced educator with thirty-five years teaching and consulting experience in curriculum instruction, secondary mathematics, and special education. She has presented at local, state, and international conferences and workshops.

Caitlin McKenzie

Caitlin Z. McKenzie is a teacher of language arts in single-gender middle schools. She obtained her master's degree in education specializing in language and literacy and is a doctoral candidate in curriculum studies at the University of South Carolina. She is a consultant in best practice strategies for teachers in single-gender classrooms. She has presented at national and regional conferences on teaching language arts in single gender classrooms.

DeLandtsheer, John P.

John J. DeLandtsheer

John DeLandtsheer has served as the GATE Coordinator in the Redlands Unified School District for sixteen years. He has recently retired from his role as principal of Mariposa Elementary but continues to teach at UC Riverside and serve as the GATE Coordinator in Redlands Unified School District. He is a private consultant and trains GATE teachers and others throughout California and the west in differentiated curriculum through his company, JD Seminars.

Barber, Michael

Sir Michael Barber

Sir Michael Barber has been chief education advisor at Pearson since September 2011 and is the founder of Delivery Associates. 

Andy Moffit

Andy Moffit is a Senior Practice Expert and a co-founder of McKinsey & Company’s Global Education Practice. Moffit joined the firm in 2000 and has served clients in the financial services, non-profit and public sectors on a wide range of strategic and organizational issues. Since 2005, he has worked exclusively with education clients—large urban districts, state education departments, national foundations and nonprofits, and private companies—on large-scale reform and key strategic efforts.

Kihn, Paul

Paul Kihn

Paul Kihn is an Associate Principal in McKinsey and Company's Education Practice, where he specializes in human capital strategy, system transformation, and the delivery of large-scale reform. During his six years at McKinsey, Paul has worked with large urban school districts, local and national non-profits, and state and federal public sector agencies in K-12 and higher education.
