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Robb, Evan A.

Evan A. Robb

Evan Robb is presently principal of Johnson-Williams Middle School in Berryville, Virginia. He has served for more than twenty years as a building-level principal. Prior to being a school principal, he was an English teacher, department chair, and assistant principal. Evan is a recipient of the Horace Mann Educator of the Year Award. In addition, the NCTE Commission on Reading selected him to serve on its national board.

Markus, Paula

Paula Markus

Paula Markus served as the ESL/ELD Program Co-ordinator with the Toronto District School Board from 2001-2017.

Visible Learning for Mathematics

Maximize student achievement in mathematics with Visible LearningTM

Visible Learning is based on one simple belief: every student should experience at least one year’s growth over the course of one school year.

Visible Learning translates the groundbreaking Visible Learning research by Professor John Hattie into a practical model of inquiry and evaluation.

What Is Visible Learning for Mathematics?

Baecher, Laura

Laura H. Baecher

Dr. Laura Baecher is Associate Professor of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) in the School of Education at Hunter College, City University of New York. She has been a teacher and teacher educator for over 25 years, and her research relates to teacher preparation, teacher leadership, supervision, and the use of video for teacher learning.

Briggs, Julia K.

Julia Katherine Briggs

Julia Briggs lives and works as a teacher in an international school in Bogotá, Colombia. She teaches Science and Chemistry and is the Head of IB Chemistry at Colegio Anglo Colombiano where she also works with departments and individual teachers as a coach and certified trainer of H. Lynn Erickson and Lois Lanning’s Concept Based Curriculum and Instruction.

Thomas-EL, Salome

Salome Thomas-EL

Dr. Salome Thomas-EL has been a teacher and principal in Philadelphia, PA and Wilmington, DE since 1987. He is currently the Head of School at Thomas Edison Public Charter School in Wilmington, DE. Thomas-EL received national acclaim as a teacher and chess coach at Vaux Middle School, where his students have gone on to win world recognition as Eight-Time National Chess Champions. Principal EL was a regular contributor on “The Dr.
