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4439 Results Found


Roa, Meg

Meg Roa

Meg Roa is a 30-year veteran educator with experience as a classroom teacher, literacy coach, and district administrator across all K-12 levels. She is currently a professional learning and development K-12 specialist for Volusia County Schools, Florida, the fourth largest district in the state with more than 70 schools.

Dawn Dee Miller

Dawn Miller, Ph.D. is Associate Director of Technical Assistance of SWIFT Education Center at the University of Kansas.  Her early career focused on creating local educational support processes that address student needs and support educators and families.

Arki, Shemariah J.

Shemariah J. Arki

Shemariah J. Arki identifies as an educator, an activist, and an organizer.

Orinthia Swindell

Orinthia Swindell has centered the voices and experiences of youth and families as the focal point of her work as an educator for the past 28 years. She credits her mother for instilling in her the importance and value of education and of being connected to their community. As the youngest of six children growing up in Brooklyn, New York, Ms. Swindell developed a passion for learning and teaching others about social justice, equity, and inclusion work.

Soto, Mary

Mary C. Soto

Mary Soto, an Assistant Professor in the Teacher Education Department at California State University East Bay, prepares teacher candidates and masters students to work with diverse learners. She is a co-author of ESL Teaching: Principles for Success (Heinemann, 2016) and has published articles on the topic of bilingual/ESL teaching. She presents at national and international conferences. Her research interests focus on best practices for long-term English Learners.

Inspire Your Leaders to Become Learners

We expect our principals to be nimble, creative problem solvers who can think on their feet and respond with humor, empathy, calm, concern, and strength — but are we providing the resources needed to hone these skills? Create an environment where all leaders feel safe being learners and provide the coaching to help build collective efficacy.

Implementing PLCs with Corwin's PLC+

The structures of effective professional learning communities (PLCs) ensure two things:

  • Clarity is present at the onset
  • PD is centered on what students need to learn

The PLC foundation helps drive teacher decisions around the development of student learning tasks. These tasks provide specific evidence, allowing teachers to make appropriate instructional inferences for the students in their classrooms.
