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Williams, R. Bruce

R. Bruce Williams

Bruce Williams has more than thirty five years of international consulting experience, and is noted for his expertise in group facilitation and in planning and team building methodologies. Williams' specialty is facilitating participative, interactive group workshops whether they are focused on strategic planning and consensus building or instructional methodologies for the classroom.

Katz, Steven

Steven Katz

Steven Katz is the director of Aporia Consulting Ltd. and a faculty member in the Applied Psychology and Human Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE, UT), where he teaches in the Child Study and Education graduate program. He is the recipient of the OISE, UT- wide award for teaching excellence. Steven has a PhD in human development and applied psychology, with specialization in applied cognitive science.

Edward S. Wall

Edward S. Wall is assistant professor of elementary mathematics education at the City College of the City University of New York. In 1968 he received his MA in mathematics at the University of Maryland and, after a number of years working as an applied mathematician, received a Sloan Foundation Fellowship for the purposes of pursuing a PhD in mathematical biology at the University of Chicago.

Keeley, Page D.

Page D. Keeley

Page is a prolific author of over twenty national best-selling and award-winning books, including twelve books in the Uncovering Student Ideas in Science series, four books in the first edition Curriculum Topic Study series, and four books in the Science and Mathematics Formative Assessment- 

Harrison, Allan G.

Allan G. Harrison

Allan G. Harrison is Associate Professor of Science Education at Central Queensland University. Allan taught biology, chemistry and physics to students in Grades 7-12 for 25 years before completing his MSc and PhD at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Western Australia. He has taught science teachers for 10 years and has researched teaching and learning with analogies for 15 years and published articles on science analogies in all leading science education journals.

Coll, Richard K.

Richard K. Coll

Richard K. Coll is associate professor of science education at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Richard holds a PhD in chemistry from Canterbury University and an EdD in science education from Curtin University of Technology. His research interests are concerned with mental models of science concepts, and a variety of aspects of work-integrated learning.

Bishop, Penny A.

Penny A. Bishop

Penny A. Bishop is Assistant Professor and Director of Middle Level Teacher Education at the University of Vermont, Burlington. She earned a doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Vermont, and her dissertation on middle grades partner teams received the 1998 Distinguished Dissertation Award from the National Association of Secondary School Principals.

Michelle A. Langa

Michelle Langa earned her Certificate of Advanced Studies in Educational Administration from Hofstra University. Michelle has worked in the field of education since 1973.

Janice L. Yost

Janice Yost has Masters Degrees in both Educational Administration and Mathematics earned from the University of New Hampshire and Adelphi University, respectively.  She is presently the Principal of Rye Junior High School and has worked in the field of education for over thirty years.  During that time, she has taught from sixth grade through college, been an administrator in the middle school setting and an interim administrator in both the high school and primary school environments

Husby, Vicki R.

Vicki R. Husby

Vicki Husby is a curriculum specialist and instructional coach with Walton County Schools in Georgia. She is a former daycare teacher, public school teacher, assistant principal and assistant professor of "Supervision of Instruction" at the University of Georgia. She received her Ed.D. at the University of Georgia in educational leadership after studying teachers’ experiences with self-directed staff development.

Blankstein, Alan M.

Alan M. Blankstein

Award-winning author and educational leader, Alan Blankstein served for 25 years as President of the HOPE Foundation, which he founded and whose honorary chair is Nobel Prize winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu. A former “high-risk” youth, Alan began his career in education as a music teacher.
