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Delehant, Ann M.

Ann M. Delehant

Ann M. Delehant is a caring educator and committed training and development professional. She is an experienced facilitator and staff developer, with deep school and district experience. Ann currently works as an independent consultant, serving as a facilitator, coach, trainer, and change agent.

Jeannine S. Tate

Dr. Jeannine Tate is principal of Clermont Elementary School in Alexandria, Virginia. During her 25 years in public schools, she has served as an elementary school teacher, a middle school teacher, an elementary school counselor, a middle school counselor, an elementary assistant principal, an elementary school principal, and in various central office positions.

Rene S. Townsend

Rene Townsend, former superintendent for ten years, is executive director of the Urban Education Dialog (UED) and Public School Services (PSS), nonprofit organizations founded by Price Charities. PSS has a mission of reducing the price of goods and services to all public school districts; UED is a forum to confront challenges facing urban school districts and exchange best practices.

Brown, James R.

James R. Brown

James R. Brown was a superintendent for twenty-six years, preceded by various administrative positions and his first love, teaching history. While serving as superintendent, he chaired two major task forces, the California State Mathematics and the California High School Exit Exam. Jim is Deputy Executive Director of the Bay Area School Reform Collaborative (BASRC), and he serves on three community and education boards.

Buster, Walter L.

Walter Lee Buster

Dr. Walter L. Buster is a professor of leadership at Fresno State University and a creator of the Central Valley Educational Leadership Forum. In addition to his service as a superintendent for nineteen years in three California districts, Walt was a teacher at the elementary and secondary levels, assistant principal, principal, and assistant superintendent.

Gareis, Christopher R.

Christopher R. Gareis

Christopher R. Gareis, EdD, is Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at the College of William and Mary in Virginia. He is a former high school and middle school English teacher, as well as a middle school assistant principal and principal.

Hannell, Glynis

Glynis Hannell

Glynis Hannell has a BA (Hons) in Psychology and an MSc in Child Development, both from London University. She has worked as an educational and developmental psychologist in education departments, child health organizations, and child development units. She has also lectured in child development at the University of South Australia.

De Long-Cotty, Bo

Bo De Long-Cotty

Bo De Long-Cotty is a developmental psychologist and has worked for WestEd since 1991. She currently serves as a pro­ject director in the WestEd Math, Science, and Technology program and as director of the Learning and Teaching with Technology initiative for the WestEd Regional Technology Education Consortium (RTEC).

Toby Levenson

Toby Levenson is a senior research associate for WestEd’s Mathematics, Science, and Technology program. She has worked in both the nonprofit and for-profit education sectors as an educational designer, producer, and manager. She has developed science software and videodiscs; created math software, video, and curricula; designed literacy soft­ ware and curricula; developed technology-related ancillar­ ies to textbooks; and produced other educational technology and edutainment products.
