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25 Results Found for "mathematics"


Constructing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for Mathematics
Constructing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for Mathematics

In this sample excerpt from The Mathematics Lesson-Planning Handbook, Grades 6-8, learn how to construct your own learning intentions and success criterias for your mathematics lesson plans. These intentions help students take ownership of their learning.


Activity: Zip, Zap, Zop
Activity: Zip, Zap, Zop

"Zip, Zap, Zop" is a classic simple warm-up game, featured in Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School, that helps students understand that it is OK to make mistakes, speak so that everyone can hear, and pay close attention to one another.


Readers Guide
Readers Guide

This readers guide helps you reflect and discuss each lesson from Strengths-Based Teaching and Learning In Mathematics.



Student-Led Math Show-and-Tell
Student-Led Math Show-and-Tell

Student-Led Math Show-and-Tell from Teaching Math at a Distance helps students showcase a real-world application of a mathematical concept.



Routine 4: Two Wrongs and a Right
Routine 4: Two Wrongs and a Right

This lesson from Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, High School, allows student to work through multiple mathematical arguments in order to identify the errors in the argument. Students will have the opportunity analyze these errors in order promote higher level thinking in their path to finding the correct argument. 


"Put It in Writing" Wall Chart & Student Handout
"Put It in Writing" Wall Chart & Student Handout

This reproducible chart and student handout from Teaching Numeracy remind students of the importance of recording what they have learned, what they noticed, what makes sense, etc. (K-12)


Routine 13: Where's the Point?
Routine 13: Where's the Point?

This routine from Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, Elementary, helps students develop a more robust understanding of—and flexible thinking about—numbers and their relationships, which positions them for greater success when working with numbers. 

