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54 Results Found for "SQ1"



What is Deep Equity founded on?

The foundational 5 phases underpins the Deep Equity process to:

Implementing PLCs with Corwin's PLC+

The structures of effective professional learning communities (PLCs) ensure two things:

  • Clarity is present at the onset
  • PD is centered on what students need to learn

The PLC foundation helps drive teacher decisions around the development of student learning tasks. These tasks provide specific evidence, allowing teachers to make appropriate instructional inferences for the students in their classrooms.

The Practice Series

Visible Learning Practice Series

Visible Learning+ Practice Series

What works best and when—for literacy and mathematics

Making Sense of Learning Transfer

Making Sense of Learning Transfer

The workshop series that helps schools reimagine curriculum and instruction in ways that truly realize the promise of 21st century learning.

Learn practical ways to help students:

How We Measure Efficacy

Our Approach to Professional Learning

To achieve results, there needs to be a philosophy that intentionally guides the practices needed for those results to occur. At Corwin, we call this philosophy our Theory of Change.

CCR Success Stories

CCR Success Stories

Below you will find information that helps inform your decision to bring Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, or a member of their collaborative in for extended professional learning on Close & Critical Reading in your school or district. 

