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10 Results Found for "CH4"

Reimagining Student Engagement Introduction & Ch1
Reimagining Student Engagement Introduction & Ch1

In this excerpt from Reimagining Student Engagement, author Amy Berry shares her three main aims for the book and clarifies some of the misunderstandings around what engagement in the classroom.

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Tech Tools Recommendation: Flipgrid
Tech Tools Recommendation: Flipgrid

In this excerpt from 50+ Tech Tools for School Counselors, the authors recommend Flipgrid, a video discussion tool where prompts are provided by the educator for each discussion topic and then participants respond via video responses, allowing for more in-depth responses than surveys and text allow. 


Tech Tools Recommendation: Google Keep
Tech Tools Recommendation: Google Keep

This excerpt from 50+ Tech Tools for School Counselors describes organization tool Google Keep, which educators can use to create task lists for projects, work collaboratively to check off items as completed, and see what else needs to be done.


Tech Tools Recommendation: Stop, Breath, Think, Headspace, and Insight Timer
Tech Tools Recommendation: Stop, Breath, Think, Headspace, and Insight Timer

The authors of 50+ Tech Tools for School Counselors recommend three apps (available for iOS & Android) that promote mindfulness and meditation. 


Webinar: Data-Driven School Counseling in a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Webinar: Data-Driven School Counseling in a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Hear firsthand from Trish Hatch, PhD, nationally renowned school counseling expert and author of multiple bestselling texts, including: The Use of Data in School Counseling; Hatching Results for Elementary School Counseling; Hatching Results for Secondary School Counselingand Hatching Tier Two and Three Interventions in Your Elementary School Counseling Program; all which describe the school counselor's role in a multi-tiered system of supports aligned with the ASCA National Model.

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How to adapt core Owning Up teaching strategies for virtual learning
How to adapt core Owning Up teaching strategies for virtual learning

In this excerpt from Owning Up, Third Edition by Rosalind Wiseman, how to adapt core strategies from the book to work for distance learning is explained. 


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[Video] It takes a village: The pandemic's impact on teens
[Video] It takes a village: The pandemic's impact on teens

From hybrid learning to missed proms and graduation ceremonies. Here's some advice for parents to help their teens through the pandemic. Featuring Teaching, Learning, and Trauma authors Brooke O'Drobinak and Beth Kelley on

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