The conference strands will align with the ten mindframes identified by John Hattie in his research:
Strand One: I am an evaluator: My practices bring out the best in my students
Strand Two: I am a change agent: My school climate fosters teacher efficacy
Strand Three: I talk about learning and not about teaching: My lessons are focused on the student learning experience.
Strand Four: I see assessment as feedback to me: I practice formative assessment to ensure that what I am doing in the classroom is actually working.
Strand Five: I engage in dialogue and not monologue: I engage in dialogue with my peers and my students where I listen to the thoughts of the person on the other side of the conversation.
Strand Six: I enjoy challenge: I teach my students that error encourages some of the best learning opportunities.
Strand Seven: I engage in positive relationships: I build positive relationships with my students, teachers, and peers.
Strand Eight: I use the language of learning: My school system use a common language around learning.
Strand Nine: I see learning as hard work: I engage in dialogue, dive deeply into assessment data, teach students about learning dispositions, and actively work towards becoming a change agent.
Strand Ten: I collaborate: I work within my grade level and department to help maximize results for my students
Attendees will choose the strands that best describe the mindframes that they would like to develop and session content will be focused on explaining why the mindframe is important, the types of behaviors that will contribute to developing desirable mindframes, and the inter-relatedness between the mindframes, and the connection between the mindframe, student efficacy, and school improvement.