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Literacy & Math Consulting Services

Your partner in building confident, lifelong learners

Welcome to the home of Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey’s on-site consulting services! Doug & Nancy know first-hand the many struggles facing schools across the country. Learn how their team of can help you build a strong foundation for literacy and math across your school or district.

Books by Doug & Nancy



Literacy & Math Workshops

Invite Doug & Nancy's cadre of certified consultants to work hand-in-hand with your ELA and Math team!




Related Professional Learning Services



Develop clarity around the most critical parts of instruction: learning intentions, success criteria, and learning progressions.

Newly Available: Success Criteria Playbook Workshops

Engage in an active and empowering learning experience that will enhance understanding of how to create success criteria that support the monitoring of learners' progress, allows learners to self-reflect, and more!

What's missing from most PLC structures? Teacher learning. Time to bring the focus back to what matters most: teachers learning collaboratively about their impact on student learning.

For more than a year now, educators have been tested and tested again. But now it’s time to rebound, to bounce back, to build back better, and benefit from the many lessons learned over the last year. 

Newly Available: How Tutoring Works Workshop

Build students’ confidence and competence with tutoring strategies that spark meaningful, accelerated learning.




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Ready to get started?

Talk to your Professional Learning Advisor to request sample agendas, pricing, and PD proposals.