Laura Besser

Laura Besser is an educational consultant and is dedicated to improving the quality of teaching, learning and leadership in schools. She provides results driven professional development through presentations at conferences, seminars and workshops and site based implementation support. Her high energy, positive, and enthusiastic approach to learning motivates and engages clients. Laura's areas of expertise include leadership and accountability, standards and assessment, data and collaboration and literacy and instruction. Laura's vision of all students having a future of unlimited possibilities motivates her to work with educators to improve the quality of instruction and leadership. She gets results by focusing on processes, practices, and people. While Laura believes in the importance of helping to build individual strengths and talents, her true passion is developing high performing learning teams. Laura's experience as a principal, classroom teacher, and instructional coach have impacted the manner in which she provides professional development. She facilitates learning experiences that are job embedded, rigorous, and collaborative.