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Lee G. Shilts

Dr. Lee G. Shilts
5290 S. W. 5th St.
Plantation FL 33317

(954) 584-4946 - Home
(954) 262-3018 - Office

AAMFT - Clinical Member Licensed Marriage and Family
AAMFT - Approved Supervisor Therapist - FL# MT-0001213


1988 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Blacksburg, Virginia.
    Ph.D., Marriage and Family Therapy

1977 University of Wisconsin-Stout - Menomonie, Wisconsin
    M.S.Ed., School Psychology

1975 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire - Eau Claire, Wisconsin
    B.S., Psychology

Clinical Experience

9/90 to present Family Therapist. Conduct an individual practice in marriage and family therapy, supervision, and consultation.

8/03 to present Professor. Nova Southeastern University.

7/00 to 8/ 03 Associate Professor. Nova Southeastern University.

7/99 to 7/00 Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Nova Southeastern University.

8/96 to 7/99 Chair, Family Therapy Program. Nova Southeastern University.

7/95 to 7/96 Director, Ph.D. Program. Nova Southeastern University.

Family Therapy Institute of South Florida, Plantation, Florida
9/88 to 8/90 Therapist/Consultant & Director of Clinical Services. Responsible for developing, and implementing Institute clinical programs including direct services, training, consultation and nationally marketed workshop series. Conduct a private practice in marriage and family therapy, supervision, and consultation in marriage and family therapy.

Roanoke Valley Psychiatric Center Roanoke, Virginia
8/87 to 8/88 Therapist. Provided family, marital, individual therapy; provided therapeutic services on the adolescent unit. Emphasis in area of strategic/systemic therapy.

Mount Regis Center Salem, Virginia
5/86 to 7/88 Therapist. Responsibilities include individual/group counseling for inpatient/outpatient clients. Emphasis in areas of alcoholism, chemical dependency, and treatment programs.

Waupun School District Waupun, Wisconsin
1984 to 1985 School Psychologist. Responsibilities included individual assessments, individual/group counseling, family therapy, school/community in services, and staff consultations.

Cooperative Educational Service Agency District 13 Juneau, Wisconsin
1978 to 1983 Special Education Psychologist. Duties included handicapped students evaluation and placement in with other support services professionals, providing individual/group counseling, family therapy, and consultation. Involvement with servicing 17 school districts and approximately 60 Special Education classrooms ranging from ages 3-21. Programs included Early Childhood, Learning Disabilities, Emotionally Disturbed, Educable Mentally Retarded, Trainable Mentally Retarded, Multiple Handicapped, and School-Age Mothers.

Eau Claire Academy Eau Claire, Wisconsin
1975 to 1977 Therapist. Provided family, individual, and group therapy. Worked on a closed unit of severely emotionally disturbed children. Duties included providing structured programs.

Eau Claire Academy Eau Claire, Wisconsin
1974 to 1975 Core Staff Supervisor. Coordinated job tasks and function of a private institution consisting of approximately 100 emotionally disturbed children. Staff of 200.

Eau Claire Academy Eau Claire, Wisconsin
1972 to 1974 Child Care Worker. Worked on an open unit consisting of ten emotionally disturbed adolescent males. Duties included providing a structured living program.


3/03 to present Professor: Teach courses and supervise practicum in marriage and family therapy masters and doctorate program.

7/95 to 3/03 Associate Professor. Teach courses and supervise practicum in marriage and family therapy masters and doctorate program.

Nova Southeastern University Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
7/90 to 8/95 Assistant Professor. Teach courses and Supervise Practicum in Marriage and Family Therapy in the masters and doctorate programs.

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia
9/85 to 3/87 Graduate Assistant. Assisted with two sectioned in Assessment With Young Children. Duties included course formats, lectures, and final grade determination.

Moraine Park Technical Institute Juneau, Wisconsin
1982 to 1985 Instructor. Taught courses in Human Relations and An Introduction to General Psychology. Duties included course formats, lectures, and final grade determination.

University Of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wisconsin
8/77 to 12/77 Instructor. Taught two sections of General Psychology. Duties entailed providing course formats, lecturing, and assigning final grades.


Children’s Home Society Fort Lauderdale, FL.
4/2004 to present. Consultant. Provide supervision and training to staff therapists a brief, solution-focused therapy model.

The Crysallis Center. Fort Lauderdale, Fl.
4/2000 to present. Consultant. Provide supervision and training to staff therapists working toward state licensure.

The Retreat Psychiatric Hospital Fort Lauderdale, Florida
12/94 to 11/99/ Consultant. Provide supervision to staff therapist utilizing a "live" supervisory format.

Broward County Residential Respite Care Program Plantation, Florida
8/89 to 8/90 Clinical Consultant. Consultation in program development and treatment for a county wide respite foster care program.

Center For Innovative Solutions Plantation, Florida
4/89 to 8/90 Consultant. Consultation in curriculum and resource development, and training in child welfare and foster care.

Alternative Family Care Inc. Hollywood, Florida
2/89 to 8/90 Clinical Consultant. Consultation in residential treatment, program development. Developed a group therapy program using a "reflecting" format.

Professional Organizations and Activities Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia Ph.D. Dissertation. Dissertation entitled "Adolescent Substance Use and Family Structure."

National Conference of Family Relations (NCFR).
Children/Parent Education Association (CPEA).
Parents Against A Violent Environment (PAVE).

Facilitated Children's groups (middle school age level) on Assertive Training.
Facilitated adult male groups on issues pertaining to intimacy, divorce, and personal growth.
Workshops to parents regarding Parenting Issues with adolescents.
Workshops presented to MSW staff on Marriage and Family Therapy, Brief Systemic Therapy.
Coordinated a Pre-Kindergarten Screening program involving a staff of ten graduate students and a group of 40 Pre-Kindergarten children.
Conducted parent groups of Learning Disabled children.
Conducted an in service on Cerebral Palsy at the Stout Guidance Clinic.