Lynn Farrin
Lynn Farrin, Science Specialist at the Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance, works primarily in the areas of leadership, curriculum materials, development, mentoring and teacher support, inquiry teaching and learning, and connecting literacy to science. Lynn is the Project Director of the PowerMeter strand of the Citizen Science in the Classroom Project (CSIC), the Maine Energy Education Curriculum Project (PowerSleuth), Science Curricula Integrating Technology and Engineering Connections (SCITEC) Network, and a consultant/professional developer for the Linking Science Inquiry and Language Literacy (L-SILL) 2 Project. Prior to coming to MMSA in 2004, Lynn taught middle school science and mathematics for 15 years, and was involved in several MMSA initiatives as a teacher leader. She was a mentor in the Nothern New England Co-mentoring Network (NNECN) before transitioning to the Maine State Coordinator for the NNECN project. Lynn is a Cohort 1 Fellow of the Maine Governor's Academy for Science Education Leadership and received a state level Presidential Award for Excellence in Secondary Science Teaching in 1999. Lynn is a co-author of Uncovering Student Ideas in Science - 25 Formative Assessment Probes, Volume 1 and a contributing author to NSTA's Science Scope journal. She is a member of the Maine and National Science Teachers Association. Lynn graduated from the University of Maine at Farmington with a degree in Secondary Science Education(Biology) and earned her M.Ed in Science Education at the University of Maine.