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Going Beyond Distance Learning

Distance Learning

Distance Learning was built for a moment in time — crisis teaching during a pandemic. Now that you’ve engaged with Distance Learning, what’s next for your professional learning plans? Take the next step in long-lasting, impactful professional learning and implement everything you’ve learned with the recommendations below.


What's your next PL path?

Choose your next path based on the modules you learned about in Distance Learning and see how our other PL services connect to the Distance Learning work – all available virtually!


Teacher Clarity

Get clear on clarity

Module 5 of Distance Learning Playbook explains what teacher clarity is and why it’s important. To dive deeper into what teacher clarity can look like in your classroom, you’ll enjoy our professional learning series Teacher Clarity which supports teachers in collaborative teams to identify learning intentions and discuss ideas for instruction, review student work, and talk about students who need additional instruction to be successful.

explore teacher clarity


Recommended resource:

Teacher Clarity Playbook



Get collective support from your peers

The concepts of teacher credibility, collective efficacy, and building collective support are all referenced in Module 4. PLCs are vital for teachers to build a sense of community and support teams in identifying and nurturing effective and impactful practices. PLC+ professional learning fosters authentic conversations so that collaboration, learning, and collective expertise are developed and enhanced.



Recommended resource:

PLC+ Playbook


Visible Learning+

Get a handle on feedback and assessment

Module 8 is about feedback and assessment, which ties directly into the work of developing assessment-capable visible learners. Visible Learning+ professional learning centers on evaluating your impact and focusing on the practices that accelerate student learning and achievement, with individual sessions dedicated to developing visible learners within your school or district.

EXPLORE Visible Learning+


Recommended resource:

Developing Assessment-Capable Visible Learners


Deep Equity

Get a systemic plan for addressing equity

Within the introduction of Distance Learning Playbook, a question of equity is posed which discusses efforts to ensure the needs of your students are being met, especially in a distance learning environment. Deep Equity professional learning is aimed at producing the deep personal, professional, and organizational transformations that are necessary to create equitable places of learning for all students.



Recommended resource:

We Can't Lead Where We Won't Go


Social-Emotional Learning

Get started with self-care, resilience, and building supportive communities

Module 1 is about the first step of crisis teaching: take care of yourself. With this focus on self-care, overall well-being, and managing stress, the next step would be to engage with Building Resilience within our Social-Emotional Learning series. Explore ways to care for yourself while supporting others through this challenging time, learn bitesize resilience, and build supportive virtual communities for educators.



Recommended resource:

Building Resilience


Is it better to register for a one-day event or book multi-day PL sessions?

While both our institutes and virtual professional learning are both held via Zoom, find out the key differences and which works better for you and your team.


If you're planning on learning about different PL topics and opportunities as an individual or in small groups, register for an upcoming virtual institute which is open to the public.



Custom PL

If you're planning on engaging in personalized and customized PL for lasting impact as a large group in your district, check out our services above which are virtual, multi-day PL consulting services held specifically for your district.

Better Together