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Coaching for Multilingual Excellence

Coaching for Multilingual Excellence
Strategies for Vocabulary, Reading, and Writing Across Disciplines

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September 2024 | 240 pages | Corwin

Be the instructional coach multilingual students and their teachers need.

As the population of multilingual learners (MLs) in K–12 schools continues to grow, instructional coaches must support content teachers to recognize these students’ assets and address their linguistic, cultural, academic, and social-emotional needs. Leveraging her decades of facilitating and coaching experience in the fields of language, literacy, and professional learning, Margarita Calderón meets this urgent need with practical, evidence-based strategies to leverage the power of coaching in support of ML excellence.

Through the individual chapters dedicated to academic language, reading, and writing instruction and strategies to promote student discourse and social-emotional learning embedded throughout, this book will give coaches what they need to guide all teachers toward ML excellence. Additional features include

  • A step-by-step framework designed to help coaches promote teacher efficacy with MLs regardless of program setting or instructional approach
  • Clear guidance for how to structure coaching sessions with teachers, driven by research-based approaches and observation and feedback protocols for accelerating student comprehension
  • Myth-busting facts about the do’s and don'ts of effective coaching for ML success
  • Spotlights on the experiences of veteran coaches focusing on successes, challenges, and tips to remain resilient
  • Individual and group reflection questions and tools at the close of each chapter

Offering solutions to the challenges faced by MLs that content area teachers must be prepared to address, this book is a powerful tool coaches can use to move multilingual instruction beyond compliance to excellence.

About the Author
Chapter 1. Coaching: What It Is and What Is Yet to Be
Chapter 2. Why Prepare Instructional Coaches to Coach Teachers with Multilingual Students?
Chapter 3. Coaching the Teaching and Learning of Reading
Chapter 4. Coaching Language Development: Vocabulary and Discourse
Chapter 5. Coaching Writing
Chapter 6. Creating a Whole School Approach

"Coaches of teachers with multilingual learners are defacto agents of equity, as it is their responsibility to be advocates and nurture the students’ linguistic and cultural assets. As ambassadors for multilingual learners, coaches who are well-versed in the language development process have not had a venue to share their expertise…. until now. Coaching for Multilingual Excellence is an invaluable resource that is dedicated to how coaches can assist classroom teachers with strategies and tools that integrate content, language, and literacy into a viable instructional framework."

Margo Gottlieb, Cofounder and Lead Developer
WIDA Consortium

"If you’re looking for a book to help you coach teachers with multilingual learners, your wait is over. Inside this book, you will find evidence-based strategies for teaching vocabulary, reading, and writing. This book is a gift to all coaches and teachers, and it will make a world of difference for students.”

Jim Knight, Author and Senior Partner
Instructional Coaching Group

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ISBN: 9781071936429

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