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296 Results Found for "Professional Learning"


Leadership With Impact – Professional Books & Services for Education Leaders

Tools, strategies, and vision to turn school, district, and system initiatives into teacher and student growth

Evidence-based and peer-reviewed titles, from well-known education leadership authors like Michael Fullan, Peter DeWitt, Lyn Sharratt,  and more, as well as new voices with research-based resources for professional learning, digital leadership, coaching, instructional leadership, school reform, education improvement make us the trusted source for school and district leadership.


California CARES Act Funding on Student Learning

PD Programs and Resources Eligible for CA State & Federal Funding

The global pandemic challenged our education system in unprecedented ways. As our communities rebound and recover, we have a unique opportunity to re-envision education in ways that better serve all our students.



Find out about the professional learning process that makes lasting school change

What if school improvement planning efforts were directly tied to a change process and paired with customized professional learning that included continual coaching and mentoring as well as built-in evidence-gathering to prove the impact of the change? That’s the thinking behind the development of Visible Learningplus.  

Test for Directions


Find out about the professional learning process that makes lasting school change

What if school improvement planning efforts were directly tied to a change process and paired with customized professional learning that included continual coaching and mentoring as well as built-in evidence-gathering to prove the impact of the change? That’s the thinking behind the development of Visible Learningplus.  

Test to Create Directions


Find out about the professional learning process that makes lasting school change

What if school improvement planning efforts were directly tied to a change process and paired with customized professional learning that included continual coaching and mentoring as well as built-in evidence-gathering to prove the impact of the change? That’s the thinking behind the development of Visible Learningplus.  

How We Measure Efficacy

Our Approach to Professional Learning

To achieve results, there needs to be a philosophy that intentionally guides the practices needed for those results to occur. At Corwin, we call this philosophy our Theory of Change.

Implementing PLCs with Corwin's PLC+

The structures of effective professional learning communities (PLCs) ensure two things:

  • Clarity is present at the onset
  • PD is centered on what students need to learn

The PLC foundation helps drive teacher decisions around the development of student learning tasks. These tasks provide specific evidence, allowing teachers to make appropriate instructional inferences for the students in their classrooms.
