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Stiggins, Richard J.

Richard J. Stiggins

Rick Stiggins has devoted his professional life to understanding keys to student academic success in the classroom. His mission has been to help teachers, school leaders, policy makers, and school communities apply research-based policies and classroom practices that help all students experience the highest-possible levels of learning success.

Robb, Laura J.

Laura J. Robb

An author, teacher, coach, and speaker, LAURA ROBB has spent the last four decades in middle school education.  What teachers appreciate most about Laura is her deep commitment to children and adolescents, and her ability to show what best-practice instruction looks like day by day; a survey conducted by Instructor magazine named Laura as one of the nation’s top twenty educators. Currently, in addition to her speaking and consulting, she works part time in grades K-8.

Gross, Megan N.

Megan Noreen Gross

Megan Gross is a special education teacher in San Diego, California. She has taught and facilitated inclusion for students at both the elementary and secondary level. Her professional interests include developing curricular modifications to increase student access to general education and facilitating professional development for paraprofessionals.

Lapp, Diane K.

Diane K. Lapp

Diane Lapp, EdD, is a distinguished professor of education at San Diego State University where her work continues to be applied to schools. She is also an instructional coach and teacher at Health Sciences High & Middle College. Throughout her career, Diane has taught in elementary, middle, and high schools.

Steineke, Nancy H.

Nancy H. Steineke

A longtime collaborator with Harvey “Smokey” Daniels as both a coauthor and a co-presenter, Nancy Steineke has been a full-time English teacher for more than three decades, most recently at Victor J. Andrew High School in Illinois. Nancy is the author of six other professional books and classroom collaboration is always a central strategy, whether she’s advising on literature circles, content-area writing, teaching nonfiction and fiction, or assessment.

Howard, Gary R.

Gary R. Howard

Gary R. Howard serves as a keynote speaker, writer, and workshop leader. He has over 40 years of experience in civil rights, social justice, equity, education, and diversity. Before becoming a consultant, he founded the REACH Center for Multicultural Education and served as an Adjunct Professor at Western Washington University and Seattle University.

Swanson, Kristen N.

Kristen Nicole Swanson

Kristen Swanson helps teachers design meaningful, interactive curricula at the local and national level. She has taught at the elementary level, served as a regional consultant for Response to Intervention, and worked as an educational technology director for a public school district in Pennsylvania. She holds a B.A. degree from DeSales University, two M.A. degrees from Wilkes University, and an Ed.D. degree from Widener University.

Ferguson, Hadley J.

Hadley J. Ferguson

Hadley Ferguson is a middle school teacher at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, an independent school in Philadelphia. She teaches History and Humanities as well as Entrepreneurship. Hadley is passionate about developing new curriculum to meet the needs of her students, working with other teachers, both in her building and through her personal learning network, to develop the best strategies to enhance the learning in her classroom.

McLaughlin, Dionne V.

Dionne V. McLaughlin

Dionne V. McLaughlin, Ed.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at North Carolina Central University. She is a British-born Jamaican educator who is an experienced bilingual high school and elementary school principal. Dr. McLaughlin has experience as a K-12 Director for a voluntary desegregation program in Massachusetts and as the Program Director for a Latino community-based organization.
