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4439 Results Found


Julie R. Smith

Dr. Julie R. Smith is a thirty-five year veteran educator, speaker, consultant, and author. Her passion, area of focus, and expertise is in building leadership capacity within people and systems; school improvement planning, and teacher, principal, and district evaluation models.  Dr.

Hannigan, Jessica Djabrayan

Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan

Dr. Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Leadership Department at California State University, Fresno. She works with schools and districts throughout the nation on designing and implementing effective behavior systems. Dr. Hannigan has a background in special education and student support services as well as experience with district level administration and higher education research.

Hauser, Linda A.

Linda Ann Hauser

Dr. Linda Hauser has been deeply involved in education for over 35 years. She is a Professor at California State University, Fresno where she teaches both in the Educational Leadership and Administration (principal preparation) program and Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership, as well as serves as department chair, program coordinator and dissertation adviser.  Prior to her tenure as a university professor, Dr.

Clark, Shawn B.

Shawn Berry Clark

As an alumna of the University of South Carolina, Shawn Berry Clark’s academic degrees include: Bachelor's of Science in Psychology, Master's of Education in Early Childhood, Master's of Education in Education Administration, and PhD in Education Administration.

Duggins, Abbey S.

Abbey S. Duggins

Abbey Spoonmore Duggins has spent the last fourteen years as a middle school English teacher and literacy coach, a middle and high school instructional coach, and a high school assistant principal for instruction. She has master’s degrees in Language and Literacy and Educational Administration, as well as a PhD in Language and Literacy from the University of South Carolina.  

Barnes, Mark D.

Mark D. Barnes

Mark Barnes is a veteran classroom teacher, education consultant, and author of the critically acclaimed Role Reversal: Achieving Uncommonly Excellent Results in the Student-Centered Classroom (ASCD, 2013), The 5-Minute Teacher (ASCD, 2013) and Teaching the iStudent (Corwin, 2014).

Stumpenhorst, Joshua D.

Joshua Daniel Stumpenhorst

Josh Stumpenhorst is a junior high history and English teacher in suburban Chicago, IL where he lives with his wife and two sons. In addition to teaching, he is an athletic director, team leader, computer club advisor, track coach, basketball coach, and serves on numerous curriculum and technology committees at the school and district level.

Stanley, Todd M.

Todd M. Stanley

Todd Stanley is the author of 7 teacher education books, including Project-Based Learning for Gifted Students: A Handbook for the 21st Century Classroom and Performance-Based Assessment for 21st Century Skills.

Pica, Rae

Rae Pica

Rae Pica has been an education consultant ( specializing in the education and development of the whole child since 1980.

Newmann, Fred M.

Fred M. Newmann

Dr. Fred M. Newmann, Emeritus Professor of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Wisconsin–Madison, began his education career teaching high school history and social studies in 1959.  Dissatisfied with prevailing curriculum and instruction, he completed doctoral studies at Harvard and began to attack thebroader question:  In what ways can institutions, especially schools, in a modern culture be shaped to enhance community? 

Carmichael Tanaka, Dana L.

Dana L. Carmichael-Tanaka

Dr. Dana L. Carmichael began her teaching career in Japan. After five years, she joined Minneapolis Public Schools as a social studies teacher. In 1995, Dana earned a Fulbright Scholarship, to write authentic curriculum in Namibia on how education promotes democracy in new nations.

King, M. Bruce

Michael Bruce King

Dr. M. Bruce Kingis a Faculty Associate with the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis (ELPA) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His work in ELPA concentrates on teaching courses on instructional leadership and teacher capacity, coordinating the Wisconsin Idea PhD cohort program in K–12 leadership, and building effective partnerships between the department and schools and districts.
