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Jonson, Kathleen F.

Kathleen Feeney Jonson

In her 40 years as an educator, Kathleen Feeney Jonson, Professor Emeritus, has been a teacher, taught director of staff development, principal, director of curriculum and instruction, and university faculty. She conducted numerous workshops for teachers and administrators on such topics as reading comprehension strategies, writing process, portfolio assessment, peer coaching, and beginning teacher assistance programs.

Gootman, Marilyn E.

Marilyn E. Gootman

Marilyn E. Gootman is founder of Gootman Education Associates, an educational consulting company that provides workshops and seminars for parents and educators, focusing on successful strategies for raising and teaching children. She has been in the teaching profession for over 25 years, and her teaching experiences range from elementary school to the university level. She holds degrees from Simmons College and Brandeis University and a doctorate from the University of Georgia.
