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Baldwin, Alexinia Y.

Alexinia Y. Baldwin

Alexinia Y. Baldwin is a professor emeritus in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. She is a specialist in Education of the Gifted with emphasis on the minority gifted child. Her arti­cles and chapters on this topic appear in many journals and textbooks. She developed the Baldwin Identification Matrix, which is used by many school districts and has co-edited a text titled The Many Faces of Giftedness: Lifting the Masks.

Eller, John F.

John F. Eller

John Eller has had a variety of experiences in working with adults over the years he has been in education. His experiences include work educational leaders at Virginia Tech University, developing teacher leaders in a Maters program, serving as the Executive Director of Minnesota ASCD, work as a principal’s training center director, a position as an assistant superintendent for curriculum, learning, and staff development, and several principal positions in a variety of settings.

Johnson, Andrew P.

Andrew P. Johnson

Dr. Andy Johnson was a 1976 graduate of Grantsburg High School in Grantsburg, Wisconsin.  He attended the University of Wisconsin, River Falls where he graduated with a B.S.

Danforth, Scot E.

Scot Edward Danforth

Dr. Scot Danforth is well-known leader in the growing area of Disability Studies in Education, a multidisciplinary field of educational research exploring disabilities as sociopolitical constructions and construing the disabled community as an oppressed minority group.

Terry Jo Smith

Terry Jo Smith is an Associate Professor of Special Education at National Louis-University in Chicago.  She has extensive experience teaching students labeled emotionally/behaviorally disordered in inner-city schools.  She has an abiding interest in teacher research, particularly in relationship to the social, cultural and political dimensions of schooling and how these are enacted in school relationships and curriculum.  She has worked with a group of teacher/researchers for seve

Brandt W. Pryor

Brandt W. Pryor is Director of The Evaluation Group, College of Education, at Texas A&M University, College Station, where he now leads statewide studies of high school reform efforts. He is also an educational research consultant specializing in attitude and behavior studies. He has previously served as Associate Professor, Department of   Educational Leadership, Lamar University, and Senior Research Associate in the College of Education at Arizona State University.

Caroline R. Pryor

Caroline R. Pryor is Assistant Professor and Regents Fellow in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, at Texas A&M University, College Station. In 2003 she was selected as a Wye Fellow of The Aspen Institute <http://www.>.  She holds a doctorate in Secondary   Education from Arizona State University.

Greene, Lawrence J.

Lawrence J. Greene

Lawrence J. Greene, a graduate of the Stanford University Graduate School of Education, is a nationally recognized author, educational therapist, consultant, and curriculum developer who has worked with more than ten thousand strug­gling students during a clinical career spanning thirty years. He has written eighteen books, and he has trained thousands of teachers in graduate programs at the university level.

Allen, Dwight W.

Dwight W. Allen

Dwight W. Allen, Ed.D., is the Eminent Professor of Educational Reform at Old Dominion University in Norfolk Virginia. He received his A.B. (with Distinction) in history, with honors in Humanities, from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. He continued at Stanford and completed both his M.A. and his Ed.D. in Education.
