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Current Topics and Interventions for Educators

Current Topics and Interventions for Educators
Three-Book Set

  • Paul C. McCabe - Certified School Psychologist, New York, Brooklyn College and the Graduate School, City University of New York
  • Steven R. Shaw - McGill University, Canada

February 2010 | Corwin

"This three-volume set is the first to comprehensively address the needs of educators in understanding and treating pediatric conditions in school settings. The editors have invited many of the top scientists in their respective areas to succinctly summarize research findings that are most relevant for school professionals. The three volumes cover a plethora of pediatric conditions and health care topics ranging from chronic illnesses (e.g., asthma) to neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., autism) to prevention and wellness intervention to controversial and hot topics (e.g., steroid use by adolescents and use of multiple psychotropic drugs in the absence of controlled trials). The editors and chapter authors deliver well-written, interesting, and concise chapters that focus on educational implications and school-based strategies that directly translate research into practice."
—George J. DuPaul, Professor of School Psychology
Lehigh University

Helping educators prepare for student health issues

Written for school psychologists, counselors, administrators, and teachers, these concise, well-researched volumes provides a balanced, practical perspective on common health issues related to pediatric disorders, genetic and acquired disorders, and psychiatric disorders. The guides support the work of practitioners who provide differentiated instruction, educational accommodations, special education services, and family outreach and collaboration. Each book is divided into three sections, with each chapter featuring:

  • An introductory case study
  • Vital information about specific health topics
  • Implications and strategies for educators
  • Discussion questions
  • Handouts
  • A review of the latest and most reliable scientific research

This three-volume collection includes the books Genetic and Acquired Disorders, Pyschiatric Disorders, and Pediatric Disorders.

“This three-volume set is the first to comprehensively address the needs of educators in understanding and treating pediatric conditions in school settings. The editors have invited many of the top scientists in their respective areas to succinctly summarize research findings that are most relevant for school professionals. The three volumes cover a plethora of pediatric conditions and health care topics ranging from chronic illnesses (e.g., asthma) to neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g., autism) to prevention and wellness intervention to controversial and hot topics (e.g., steroid use by adolescents and use of multiple psychotropic drugs in the absence of controlled trials). The editors and chapter authors deliver well-written, interesting, and concise chapters that focus on educational implications and school-based strategies that directly translate research into practice."

George J. DuPaul, Professor of School Psychology
Lehigh University

"The three volumes represent a unique contribution to improving the way schools respond to the medical needs of students. In a highly readable format, each chapter addresses a different medical issue or condition, describes the most up-to-date research in that particular area, and gives practical suggestions about how each issue affects learning and the strategies that might best help the children and families coping with these conditions.This is an excellent resource for educators, school mental health professionals, and parents—a place to get reliable information about medical issues, their implications for learning, and strategies for addressing them in schools—all in an extremely readable and usable format."

John E. Desrochers, Editor, Communique
School Psychologist, Westport Public Schools, CT

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ISBN: 9781412983181

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