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jessica and john hannigan

Equity in School Discipline: Don’t Suspend Me!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017 - 3:30pm

Watch webinar

Reduce suspensions and create long-term, measurable improvements in school climate!

We know from research that suspensions don’t work—they don’t stop misbehavior, they take a lot of valuable time and energy, and they significantly increase the likelihood of dropout for the most at-risk students. Join discipline experts Jessica Hannigan and John Hannigan to learn the positive impact of creating effective behavior systems in schools that are equitable for ALL students.

In this free 1-hour webinar, you will learn: 

  • The context and rationale behind alternative discipline approaches
  • How alternative discipline policies form the foundation for more equitable schoolwide behavior systems
  • The principles behind designing effective discipline using restorative, reflective, and instructional methods of supports
  • Tips and strategies for the most common behavior problems