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54 Results Found for "Professional Learning"


Power Up Blended Learning: A Professional Learning Infrastructure to Support Sustainable Change

Monday, October 15, 2018 - 2:00pm

Presented by Catlin Tucker

Too often professional learning is an event, not a process. Districts spend money on technology but do not invest equally in building a professional learning infrastructure to ensure that technology has a transformative impact on both teaching and learning. This webinar will encourage school leaders and blended learning coaches to think about what happens after a training. Catlin Tucker will provide an overview of a blended learning coaching cycle designed to support teachers from goal setting to implementation to reflection.

Learning Happens When Students Question

Monday, May 10, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jackie Walsh

Student questions support visible learning by engaging students in authentic discussion and providing teachers feedback about where students are in their learning. Yet student questions are largely absent from most classrooms today. Join author Jackie Walsh to learn how to create an environment, cultivate mindframes, and intentionally design experiences to develop student capacity as skillful, purposeful questioners. This interactive session includes video clips spotlighting students using four question types—self-questions, academic, exploratory, and dialogic—to advance different learning outcomes and increase students’ ownership of their learning.

A Look at How Learning Works

Monday, September 13, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by Nancy Frey and John Almarode

Understanding how learning works helps us make decisions that move learning forward in our schools and classrooms. Over the past 150 years, cognitive scientists have generated amazing research on how our students acquire, consolidate, and store information. This webinar provides an overview of the science of learning and how to translate that science into classroom practices that increase student learning.

Differentiate Instruction Through Mastery Learning

Monday, August 15, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Thomas Guskey

This webinar will explore the use of mastery learning instructional strategies to personalize and differentiate instruction for diverse students.

Going Deeper with Distance Learning

Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 12:00pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, & John Hattie

The return to schooling for the 2020-21 school year is proving to be unlike any other we have witnessed. The field is learning about what works and what doesn’t in distance learning at breakneck speed. School leaders are looking for ways to lead, not just manage. Teachers need guidance about effective practices in virtual environments. Parents want to help, but don’t always know how and may not be well resourced. .

Visible Learning for Social Studies: Designing Student Learning for Conceptual Understanding

Monday, April 20, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Julie Stern

How do we maximize precious time to ensure that students grasp enough to prepare them for informed civic life? The discipline of social studies is far more than memorizing dates and facts. It involves the skillful ability to conduct investigations, analyze sources, place events in historical and cultural context, and synthesize various points of view, while recognizing our own biases. Join Julie Stern in this webinar to understand how using the right approach at the right time can maximize student learning.

Breaking Down the "Digital" Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners' Success in Any Learning Setting

Monday, November 16, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Margarita Espino Calderon, Maria G. Dove, Diane Staehr Fenner, Margo Gottlieb, Andrea Honigsfeld, Tonya Ward Singer, Shawn Slakk, Ivannia Soto & Debbie Zacarian

One short year ago, Corwin’s Collective for EL Achievement began breaking down the walls that have for too long confined our multilingual learners, offering up nine essential shifts for delivering on our students’ promise. Then came COVID-19, which has only illuminated the long-standing systemic and societal inequities in place—most notably the Digital Divide. Now, the Collective is reconvening in an all-new webinar to share specific strategies for enacting the shifts in this very different teaching and learning climate.

New York 6:30pm EST | London 11:30pm GMT | Singapore 7:30am SGT+1 |  Melbourne 10:30am AEDT+1

Simultaneous and Hybrid Teaching: Roomies and Zoomies Learning Together

Monday, March 29, 2021 - 2:00pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Almarode, Aleigha Henderson-Rosser

As the context of our teaching and learning keeps changing, our commitment as educators to move learning forward has remained constant. In this webinar, attendees will learn the definitions of simultaneous, hybrid, and blended learning and why simultaneous learning must not be additive to our workload. The presenters will guide us to extract, integrate, and implement what works best from both distance learning and face-to-face learning environments.

Developing & Using Success Criteria to Maximize Teaching and Learning

Monday, March 8, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by John Almarode, Douglas Fisher, Kateri Thunder, and Nancy Frey

How would your students respond to the question, “how will I know if I have learned something?” When both we and our students have clarity about learning through high-quality success criteria, there is a greater likelihood that learning will happen and that all students will experience success in their learning. Whether face-to-face, hybrid, or at a distance, this webinar will introduce how best to support the development and implementation of high-quality success criteria.

 Learning that Transfers: Designing Curriculum for a Changing World

Monday, April 5, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by Julie Stern

Synthesizing the best available research on how we learn, educators can design units and lesson plans that prepare our students to meet the challenges of an uncertain future. Join Julie Stern and co-authors for this cutting-edge webinar that will demonstrate a systematic way to empower students to apply their learning to new situations.
