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Madeline Hunter's Mastery Teaching

Madeline Hunter's Mastery Teaching
Increasing Instructional Effectiveness in Elementary and Secondary Schools

Second Edition
  • Robin Hunter - Santa Susana Elementary School, Simi Valley, CA

April 2004 | 176 pages | Corwin

Updated Edition of Bestseller

Madeline Hunter's authoritative guide to effective instruction, newly updated and expanded for today's learners!

"What do I teach this group of learners today?" Teachers make countless choices daily. Your own teaching decisions have a powerful impact on student learning. Knowing principles of learning and using them strategically and creatively are the hallmarks of the master teacher.

Madeline Hunter's tried and true method for effective instruction remains one of the most important teaching approaches available to educators today. Madeline Hunter's Mastery Teaching is the best guide to rigorous standards-based instruction that covers teaching to both sides of the brain, teaching for meaning and retention, and teaching for transfer to real-life situations. This exciting new edition by educator Robin Hunter features:

  • Instruction, learning, motivation, guided practice, and behavior integrated into a comprehensive and effective model for classroom teaching
  • Newly updated and expanded content to encompass teaching for independent learning
  • Teaching tips, classroom examples, recommended readings, a new comprehensive index, and a discussion guide for each chapter

Every educator will find this updated classic to be a refreshingly direct introduction to, or reminder of, the basic principles of effective instruction for academic excellence!

Preface and Acknowledgments
Preface to the Original Edition
Introduction to the Original Edition
About the Authors
1. Decisions in Teaching
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

The Content Decision

The Decision Regarding Student Learning Behavior

The Decision Regarding Teaching Behavior

2. Increasing Your Students' Motivation Part I
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Level of Concern

Feeling Tone


The Interaction of Motivational Factors

3. Increasing Your Students' Motivation Part II
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study


Knowledge of Results

Intrinsic-Extrinsic Motivation

4. Getting Students Set to Learn
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Hooking Your Students' Interest During Prime Time

Using Prime Learning Time Effectively

Cultivating Prime Learning

5. Providing Information Effectively
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Lecturing for Effective Learning

Three Principles of Effective Instruction

Taking the Steps to Lecturing Success

6. Teaching to Both Halves of the Brain
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Your Brain: The Left and Right of It

Using Visuals to Facilitate Learning

7. Modeling What You Mean
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Four Characteristics of Effective Models

Modeling Processes, Products, and Examples

Modeling Your Thinking

8. Making Material Meaningful
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Four Techniques That Make Material Meaningful

Making Sure to Make It Real

9. Checking Your Students' Understanding
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Checking for Understanding During Teaching

Four Common Mistakes That Teachers Make

Four Effective Techniques for Checking Your Students' Understanding in Class

Assessing Understanding Using Tests, Papers, or Observations of Performance

10. Practice Doesn't Make Perfect: Designing Effective Practice
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Mastery Only BEGINS with Automaticity

Practicing Properly: Four Principles to Improve Performance

Desgining Valuable Practice is the Key

11. Guiding Your Students' Initial Practice
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Determining the Degree of Guidance

Teaching Knowledgeably

Checking for Understanding

12. Extending Your Students' Thinking
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study







13. Dignifying Errors to Promote Learning
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Making Effective Use of Erroneous Answers

Communicating Accountability

Dignifying Despite Setbacks

Maintaining Dignity Enables Success

14. Using Time to Achieve More Learning
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Increasing Learning Time

Before Instruction

During Instruction

After Instruction

Using Your Creativity

15. Teaching So Students Remember
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Five Teaching Techniques to Promote Retention

16. Teaching for Transfer
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

The Power of Transfer

Promoting Transfer

Tying Everything Together for Transfer

17. Teaching for Independent Learning
Guide for Group Discussion or Individual Study

Differentiating Instruction

Getting Students to Work Independently

Planning for Your Students' Independent Learning

(De)Regulating While Working in Small Groups

Ensuring Independent Learning

Recommended Reading

"I never would have survived teaching without Madeline Hunter."

Lin Kuzmich, Assistant Superintendent
Thompson School District, Loveland, CO
Key features
      • Updates Madeline Hunter's classic text for today's differentiated classroom.
      • Features Madeline Hunter's widely recommended seven-step plan for effective instruction (sometimes also called "direct instruction").
      • Integrates instruction, learning, motivation, guided practice, behavior, assessment, and more into a comprehensive and effective model for classroom teaching.
      • Features teaching tips, classroom examples, classic quotations, recommended readings, a new comprehensive index to the complete text, and a guide for group discussion or individual study of each chapter.
      • "I wouldn't be where I am today without her wonderful tutelage." --Pat Wolfe
      • "I don't think Hunter's technique can be overused. . . Use it, and you don't go wrong." --Ray Tolcacher, Los Angeles Times Magazine, 8/12/1990, p. 23

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1: Decisions in Teaching

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ISBN: 9780761939306

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