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5 Results Found for "CD4"

The Remarkable Powers of Engagement
The Remarkable Powers of Engagement

Engagement has become a buzz word in education. Teachers face pressure to keep their students active, but bustle and busyness are not the same as engagement. Worksheets and on-line tutorials may keep learners occupied, but not necessarily engaged. Read this blog from Laura Greenstein, author of Restorative Assessment, for a better understanding of what engagement truly is and how you can boost engagement in your classroom. 

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Four Critical Standards-Based Grading Challenges and Their Solutions
Four Critical Standards-Based Grading Challenges and Their Solutions

Informed by the ideas of 41 educators all over the world who contributed to the fourth edition of How to Grade for Learning, author Ken O'Connor focuses on the four most critical challenges when implementing Standards-Based Grading and Learning in schools and districts and in the classroom. 

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Avoiding Common Pitfalls When Considering Student Achievement in Teacher Evaluations
Avoiding Common Pitfalls When Considering Student Achievement in Teacher Evaluations

"I am deeply troubled that many state laws continue to require consideration of change in annual accountability test score as an indicator of student growth for teacher evaluation. This is a patently indefensible policy for a variety of reasons..." Read the full blog from Rick Stiggins, author of Defensible Teacher Evaluation.

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Success Criteria: An Essential (and often underutilized) Component of Teacher Clarity
Success Criteria: An Essential (and often underutilized) Component of Teacher Clarity

Co-author of The Success Criteria Playbook John Almarode shares how expanding our perspective on what success criteria are and how we create and communicate them in our classrooms will have a noticeable effect on how our learners engage in the learning.

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