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15 Results Found for "CF1"


"How Are You Intelligent?" Checklist

Students and teachers can use the “How Are You Intelligent?” Checklist from Gayle Gregory’s Differentiated Instructional Strategies to increase personal awareness around their areas of strength. (K-12)



Formative Assessment Tracking Sheet

Using this Formative Tracking Sheet from Swanson and Ferguson’s Unleashing Student Superpowers, your students can self-assess their progress across any lesson. (K-12)


Innovation Day Planning Sheet

Host an “Innovation Day” as a way to give students choice and allow them to pursue projects they are passionate about using this Day Plan Sheet from The New Teacher Revolution. (K-12)


Unleashing Student Superpowers Pinterest Board

This Pinterest Board for Unleashing Student Superpowers shares resources for the six student superpowers: Wondering, Curating, Connecting, Digital Inking, Designing, and Gaming.


The CASEL 5: Definitions and Skills Examples

This table from The Other Side of the Report Card spotlights the most widely accepted definition of SEL, the CASEL 5 (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) with detailed definitions and behavioral examples. (K-12)


SEL Skill Trajectory

The SEL Skill Trajectory from The Other Side of the Report Card details social-emotional learning (SEL) skill categories and subcategories, and the specific observational behaviors that compose each across the developmental trajectory. (K-12)


Inquiry Self-Survey
Inquiry Self-Survey

Use this self-survey from Experience Inquiry by Kimberly Mitchell to determine whether you are already teaching in an inquiry-based way.

