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99 Results Found for "CF8"


Introduction to CBE
Introduction to CBE

This excerpt from Deeper Competency-Based Learning, by Karin Hess, Rose Colby, and Daniel Joseph explains what CBE looks like in schools.


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Article: Vulnerability Can Be a Strength for Educators. Let’s Embrace It.
Article: Vulnerability Can Be a Strength for Educators. Let’s Embrace It.

In this article by Caitlin Krause, author of Mindful by Design, she provides five research-grounded practices to help educators embrace vulnerability as a strength. 

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Relationship Skills, Tools, and Processes
Relationship Skills, Tools, and Processes

Chapter 3  from SEL From a Distance explains relationship skills, tools, and processes.



Think Sheets
Think Sheets

This 'think sheet' from SEL From a Distance for younger students teaches them to reflect on their behavior.



Laying the Groundwork for Social Justice in Our Classrooms and Learning Communities
Laying the Groundwork for Social Justice in Our Classrooms and Learning Communities

In Chapter 2 from Equity by Design by Mirko Chardin and Katie Novak, the authors lay the groundwork for social justice in classrooms and learning communities. 


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Logic Model
Logic Model

This logic model from The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders shows how to develop a plan that will allow you to determine your impact.


Virtual PL Checklist
Virtual PL Checklist

This checklist from The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders will help you to ensure that your next virtual professional learning session is successful.




Instructional Leadership at a Distance
Instructional Leadership at a Distance

Chapter 3 from The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders explains how to implement successful instructional leadership at a distance.



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What Is the Systemic Behavior Gap?
What Is the Systemic Behavior Gap?

This excerpt from SEL From a Distance explains what the systemic behavior gap is and how to avoid it. 


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Chapter 1: Implementing What Works Best
Chapter 1: Implementing What Works Best

In this chapter from Great Teaching by Design, the authors discuss that we can implement what works best by explicitly uncovering where our learners are in their learning journey, learning from research, and continuously evaluating the impact of our decisions on learning.


Hack Your Space
Hack Your Space

This table from Great Teaching by Design contains several ideas to "hack" a classroom or remote learning space, in order to set up the best environment for student learning.


Using Project-Based Learning to Help Students Develop Transferable Skills
Using Project-Based Learning to Help Students Develop Transferable Skills

"When students engage in PBL, they should gain skills that will help them solve a wide array of problems, not just the problem at hand." Read the full article by Michael McDowell, author of Developing Expert Learners, on Edutopia.

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