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19 Results Found for "CO4"


4 steps for powerful distance-learning experiences
4 steps for powerful distance-learning experiences

The Distance Learning Playbook co-authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey share their recommendations for the distance classroom. 

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Lessons Learned From ‘Quaranteaching’
Lessons Learned From ‘Quaranteaching’

The Distance Learning Playbook co-authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey discuss empathetic feedback and the feedback model called GREAT. 

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3 Aspects of Comprehension Instruction
3 Aspects of Comprehension Instruction

Co-authors of Comprehension Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey share three aspects of comprehension instruction that they believe are necessary to impact students’ thinking.

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7 Factors Useful in Facilitating Student Collaboration From a Distance
7 Factors Useful in Facilitating Student Collaboration From a Distance

Co-authors of The Distance Learning Playbook Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey discuss 7 factors useful in facilitating student collaboration from a distance. 

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Create-Abilities Podcast: Improving Reading Comprehension with Dr. Douglas Fisher
Create-Abilities Podcast: Improving Reading Comprehension with Dr. Douglas Fisher

Comprehension co-author Douglas Fisher discusses why teaching reading comprehension through individual, disconnected strategies isn't improving reading comprehension, and what to try instead. 

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A Conceptual Boost to Literacy Instruction
A Conceptual Boost to Literacy Instruction

Tiffanee Brown, co-author of Concept-Based Literacy Lessons, writes in this blog how, in a Concept-Based Literacy classroom, teaching skills is not the end goal in and of itself. Rather, the skills are taught to exemplify a bigger idea or Understanding about important literacy processes.

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Gradual Release of Responsibility Within Your Balanced Literacy Groups
Gradual Release of Responsibility Within Your Balanced Literacy Groups

Read how you can enact a gradual release of responsibilty within your Balanced Literacy groups in this blog post from Nancy Akhavan, co-author of This Is Balanced Literacy

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The Role of Assessment in Balanced Literacy
The Role of Assessment in Balanced Literacy

"Balanced literacy is more than grouping students. But grouping for instruction is important and, sadly, neglected." Read more from Nancy Frey, co-author of This Is Balanced Literacy, on Corwin Connect. 

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Dr. Douglas Fisher and Dr. Nancy Frey: Texts and Text Complexity
Dr. Douglas Fisher and Dr. Nancy Frey: Texts and Text Complexity

In this episode on the All About Literacy podcast, co-authors of Comprehension Dr. Doug Fisher and Dr. Nancy Frey talk about the connections between text selection, text complexity, disciplinary literacy, and adolescent learning.

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The Thrill of Accelerating Comprehension in Any Setting
The Thrill of Accelerating Comprehension in Any Setting

In this webinar, co-authors of Comprehension Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nicole Law discuss how to motivate and engage your readers with a new, unifying framework for reading comprehension. 

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