Learn from Harvey "Smokey" Daniels and Nancy Steineke, authors of Teaching the Social Skills of Academic Interaction, Grades 4-12, how to teach students the language and behavior of getting along.
Learn from Harvey "Smokey" Daniels and Nancy Steineke, authors of Teaching the Social Skills of Academic Interaction, Grades 4-12, how to teach students the language and behavior of getting along.
Learn from Kathy Glass how to use ELA CC Standards to create rigorous, concept-driven curriculum.
Use this Text Complexity Tool from The Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades K-2 to determine the complexity of texts and choose the best texts for your class at the right time to advance achievement.
Use this handy Text Complexity Tool from The Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades 6-8, to help you rate the text complexity of books, articles, or other texts.
In this lesson from Vocabulary Is Comprehension, students practice a strategy that asks them to look at an entire word and then use their knowledge of word parts to decode the word.
Consider this list from The Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades 3-5, when searching for rich texts to explore with your students.
From the pages of The Common Core Companion: The Standards Decoded, Grades 9-12, comes this list of rich reading examples for narrative and informational text plus links to online lists with dozens of more resources.
Preview videos on text complexity and collaborative reading featured in Fisher & Frey's Close & Critical Reading PD Resource Center. (K-12)
This lesson helps your students evaluate their performance by encouraging them to take time to stop and evaluate what may have caused the error and identify what learning is needed to close the gap.
Use this planning template from Rigorous Reading to organize your purpose & modeling.
In this excerpt from Simply Stations: Listening and Speaking, author Debbie Diller guides teachers on how to transition from whole-group instruction to stations while addressing the Listening & Speaking standard “The student will listen activity & ask questions.” Practical examples and ideas for partner practice at stations are provided for primary grades (K-2) and intermediate grades (3-4).