The causes of student trauma are varied and complex. The cost of lasting trauma is high. It negatively impacts a student’s current mental health, their academic performance, and their long-term ability to be productive citizens.
The causes of student trauma are varied and complex. The cost of lasting trauma is high. It negatively impacts a student’s current mental health, their academic performance, and their long-term ability to be productive citizens.
All educators — all school staff — need to see themselves as part of a formal or informal mental health network whose members routinely collaborate to support sound student mental health. But they need to be supported by mental health practitioners and parents to provide the widest possible safety net for students. Martha Staeheli, Ph.D., explains in this Cultivating Resilience Podcast.
In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Daniel Bauer talks improving leadership development through masterminds: small groups of school leaders coming together to support each other and "level up" their leadership.
Peter Dewitt discusses the concept of de-implementation and why it’s a term that should be on every leader’s mind.
In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Candace Raskin and Melissa Krull discuss why there is resistance to "doing what's right for students," and how school leaders can start to break down or go around that resistance.
Doug Fisher and Dominique Smith, co-authors of Leading the Rebound, chat about school leaders and all educators need to be thinking about as they plan for a post-pandemic school year.