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13 Results Found for "Podcasts"


The Balance Podcast
The Balance Podcast

In this episode of The Balance, Catlin Tucker, author of Balance With Blended Learning, talks with Tiffany Wycoff, and the issues related to the balance or, more accurately, the imbalance of power and responsibility in classrooms, the current role many students occupy as passive consumers, the need to model a growth mindset for our students, and more.


Podcast: Movement Is Not Misbehavior
Podcast: Movement Is Not Misbehavior

Author and early childhood expert Rae Pica is featured on the That Early Childhood Nerd podcast to discuss how honoring children's need to move can reduce behaviors we find challenging.

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Podcast: Body-Mind Connection in Early Childhood Education
Podcast: Body-Mind Connection in Early Childhood Education

Rae Pica discusses the importance of understanding both body and mind in early childhood education with the hosts of The Preschool Podcast.

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Podcast: Rae Pica and the Importance of Movement
Podcast: Rae Pica and the Importance of Movement

Featured on Episode 16 of the "Not Just Cute" podcast, Rae Pica shares what she’s observed over her over 40-year career and strongly advocates for movement in childhood education.

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Podcast: PBIS: Alternatives to Behavior Charts and Rating Systems
Podcast: PBIS: Alternatives to Behavior Charts and Rating Systems

In this BAM Radio podcast, Dr. Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, author of The PBIS Tier One Handbook, discusses behavior management systems and alternatives to charts and rating models.

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Podcast: Coach It Further—Using the Art of Coaching to Improve School Leadership
Podcast: Coach It Further—Using the Art of Coaching to Improve School Leadership

Listen in on this podcast from Principal Center Radio with Peter DeWitt, author of Coach It Further, and discover how to use effective coaching to improve school leadership.

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Podcast: Leading the Change from Within
Podcast: Leading the Change from Within

In this podcast, part of the In Teacher's Shoes series by VoiceEd Radio, discover how Evan Robb, author of The Ten-Minute Principal, is a true leader in changing education through positive change and disruption of traditional practices and see how he truly "walks the talk" to enact real change.

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Podcast: Collaborative Leadership: 6 Influences That Matter Most
Podcast: Collaborative Leadership: 6 Influences That Matter Most

Listen in as Peter DeWitt joins Justin Baeder on Principal Center Radio to discuss leadership strategies and his book, Collaborative Leadership.

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Podcast: I’m An Emotional Attachment Engineer!
Podcast: I’m An Emotional Attachment Engineer!

Join Bill Adair, author of The Emotionally Connected Classroom, as he talks about his journey to becoming an Emotional Attachment Engineer for his students. A personal story, but one that will resonate with many educators and parents.

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Podcast: We Are Still Hunter—Gatherers
Podcast: We Are Still Hunter—Gatherers

In this second episode of the Emotionally Connected Bookclub, Bill Adair, author of The Emotionally Connected Classroom, digs into some of the misconceptions that people tend to hold about the rise in anxiety among young people.

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Podcast: SEL From a Distance: Tools/Resources for Anytime
Podcast: SEL From a Distance: Tools/Resources for Anytime

Featured on the Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning podcast, Episode #91. Jessica and John Hannigan, authors of SEL From a Distance, discuss how the switch to distance learning combined with recent instances of racial injustice has put a spotlight on the cracks in the practice of social and emotional learning (SEL).

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Podcast: Three Smart, Effective Alternatives to Suspending Students
Podcast: Three Smart, Effective Alternatives to Suspending Students

How is suspending students working for you? If you’re not impressed with the results and would like to look at alternatives, tune in to this podcast with Dr. Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, author of The PBIS Tier One Handbook (plus Tier Two and Tier Three) on BAM Radio, with Rae Pica and Ben Gilpin.

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