Discover the moves covered within the 10 skillful team leader (STL) primary intentions in this detailed table of contents and tips for reading Intentional Moves.
Discover the moves covered within the 10 skillful team leader (STL) primary intentions in this detailed table of contents and tips for reading Intentional Moves.
The guys at Principal Center Radio sit down with Catlin Tucker to discuss Power Up Blended Learning and her recommendations for building a professional Learning infrastructure to support sustainable change.
"This work resulted in a core set of research-based actions, approaches, and enabling conditions that effective schools and systems have put in place to reinforce and amplify the power of high-quality curriculum and skillful teaching. We call these the Elements of curriculum-based professional learning, or simply the Elements." - Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
"This book points the way toward a coherent set of policies, tools, and practices designed that educational systems can use to ensure quality teaching in all communities." - Linda Darling-Hammond on Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
In this book study guide for Bad at Math?, participants will have the opportunity to learn about and incorporate effective praise into their teaching, consider ways to support the idea that we are all math people, and much more. Every book study group or professional learning community is different and unique. If you are formally facilitating a book study group, this is meant to serve you as a guide, but you should feel free to make it your own and tailor it to the group you are facilitating.