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20 Results Found for "Teaching Methods"


Webinar: Teach Like Yourself: Why Your Students Need You to Be You
Webinar: Teach Like Yourself: Why Your Students Need You to Be You

This webinar from Gravity Goldberg, author of Teach Like Yourself, offers special insight on how to use your gifts to be the teacher you’re uniquely intended to be.

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Julie Stern's Teaching for Transfer Webinar
Julie Stern's Teaching for Transfer Webinar

Find out from Julie Stern how to move beyond surface learning to achieve deeper comprehension.

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Webinar: Making Sense of Learning Transfer
Webinar: Making Sense of Learning Transfer

This cutting-edge webinar with Julie Stern and Nathalie Lauriault, authors of Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Elementary, will help you to promote depth and breadth of understanding by using learning transfer as both a means and an end goal of learning.

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Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, Rethinking Schools
Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, Rethinking Schools

In this Rebound webinar, presenters Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, Dominique Smith demonstrate how to take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reboot teaching and learning as we know it so we can move forward with fresh optimism and better systems for schooling.

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Reinvesting & Rebounding: Where Evidence Points for Accelerating Learning
Reinvesting & Rebounding: Where Evidence Points for Accelerating Learning

Join John Almarode, John Hattie, Nancy Frey, and AASA Associate Executive Director of Advocacy and Governance Noelle Ellerson Ng for a discussion of what it will take to bring our schools back stronger than ever and reimagine teaching and learning for a brighter future.

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How Feedback Works Webinar
How Feedback Works Webinar

This webinar will explore best practices around feedback and how it can best be utilized to impact student learning. Participants will learns do's and don'ts of effective feedback; how feedback can develop assessment capable learners; and tools for using feedback as part of teaching and learning.

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Webinar: Real Talk About Classroom Management
Webinar: Real Talk About Classroom Management

Listen in as Serena Pariser, author of Real Talk About Classroom Management, shares her practical classroom management strategies that can be implemented into any classroom. 

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Nottingham & Renton's Using Dialogue to Develop a Language of Learning Webinar
Nottingham & Renton's Using Dialogue to Develop a Language of Learning Webinar

Hear from  Nottingham and  Renton why and how classroom discussion can be one of the most important vehicles for student learning. 

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Webinar: The Learning Challenge
Webinar: The Learning Challenge

Hear from James Nottingham, author of The Learning Challenge, as he explains the Learning Pit and what the best "Pit Tools" are for student learning. 

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William Bender's Project-Based Learning Webinar
William Bender's Project-Based Learning Webinar

Uncover from William Bender how project-based learning can aid in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. 

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Webinar: Developing Expert Learners
Webinar: Developing Expert Learners

 In this webinar, Michael McDowell, author of Developing Expert Learners, discusses practices that strategically support students as they move from novices to experts in core academics. 

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