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137 Results Found for "leadership"


Chapter 4: Students' Rights
Chapter 4: Students' Rights

Schools, by their very nature, must encourage free inquiry and free expression of ideas. Such expression should include the personal opinions of students relevant to the subject matter being taught, school activities, services, policies, school personnel, and matters of broad social concern and interest.

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Activity: Four conditions for trust
Activity: Four conditions for trust

"Building trust takes time and patience, as well as a common language so people can talk about this construct. Where do we begin?"

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Podcast: As Students Return to School, So Does School Violence
Podcast: As Students Return to School, So Does School Violence

Because of the lost learning time during the pandemic, many schools are putting pressure on teachers and students to quickly catch up academically. But schools would do better to address social and emotional health services first, because 'trauma presents a huge barrier to learning'.

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Video: Trauma in Schools: A District Leaders Video Roundtable
Video: Trauma in Schools: A District Leaders Video Roundtable

A roundtable with educators and district leaders sharing their wisdom on mental health and well-being during and after the pandemic. Learn how they are allocating resources to strengthen the resilience of students and further individual and collective self-care in schools.

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Podcast: Why a podcast series on student trauma now?
Podcast: Why a podcast series on student trauma now?

The causes of student trauma are varied and complex. The cost of lasting trauma is high. It negatively impacts a student’s current mental health, their academic performance, and their long-term ability to be productive citizens.

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Podcast: Visioning to Address Student Trauma
Podcast: Visioning to Address Student Trauma

Listen to author Christine Mason as she explores strategies for addressing student trauma on this Cultivating Resilience podcast.

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Chapter 1: District leaders define equity by knowing students and finding allies
Chapter 1: District leaders define equity by knowing students and finding allies

This section of Equity Warriors chapter 1 includes the section introduction and an exploration of balancing conflicts to build an equity agenda.

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Leading the Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, and Rethinking Schools
Leading the Rebound: Rebuilding Agency, Accelerating Learning Recovery, and Rethinking Schools

Authors of Leading the Rebound Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, Dominique Smith, and John Hattie discuss how we should draw on the many lessons learned so we can take advantage of this unprecedent moment in time to create better systems for schooling.

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The School Leadership Show Podcast: Leading the Rebound
The School Leadership Show Podcast: Leading the Rebound

Doug Fisher and Dominique Smith, co-authors of Leading the Rebound, chat about school leaders and all educators need to be thinking about as they plan for a post-pandemic school year.

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