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137 Results Found for "leadership"


Podcast: The Right Drivers for Whole System Success with Michael Fullan
Podcast: The Right Drivers for Whole System Success with Michael Fullan

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Michael Fullan sits down with Peter DeWitt to talk about the new right drivers that bring whole system success: wellbeing, social intelligence, equality investments, and systemness.

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Podcast: Navigating Resistance to Equity Work with Candace Raskin & Melissa Krull
Podcast: Navigating Resistance to Equity Work with Candace Raskin & Melissa Krull

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Candace Raskin and Melissa Krull discuss why there is resistance to "doing what's right for students," and how school leaders can start to break down or go around that resistance.

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Podcast: Leading SEL by Modeling It With James Bailey & Randy Weiner
Podcast: Leading SEL by Modeling It With James Bailey & Randy Weiner

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, The Daily SEL Leader authors discuss how social-emotional learning is personal work, and school leaders have to be willing to engage in the work themselves before they can lead others in doing the work.

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Podcast: Thriving Through Hyperchange With Dwight Carter
Podcast: Thriving Through Hyperchange With Dwight Carter

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, award-winning principal Dwight Carter shares how school leaders can maintain positivity in the midst of accelerating changes - and even learn to embrace them.

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Collective Equity Introduction
Collective Equity Introduction

Read the introduction to Collective Equity and learn the difference between equity and equality, the "why" of the authors, and the definition of collective equity. 


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Chapter 4: East Coast Districts (United States) In Action
Chapter 4: East Coast Districts (United States) In Action

"Each of our eight cases represents a major press forward in learning for all students under current conditions, and as such captures what can be accomplished through deep leadership. The foundation idea for Ithaca City School District is that one."

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Chapter 2: Leading Teacher Learning
Chapter 2: Leading Teacher Learning

"A key principle is to move beyond the pursuit of novel and new practices and instead focus intently on improving student learning."

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Chapter 1 - Self motivation: What is it and how do we use it to empower children?
Chapter 1 - Self motivation: What is it and how do we use it to empower children?

"In working with educators and parents/guardians throughout the country, I sometimes hear the common question, 'Kids today are so hard to motivate, what is wrong with them?' Now, more than ever, it is critical for students to become intrinsically driven and ready to pursue knowledge unconventionally."

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Excerpt: Out of Crisis Breakthrough Leadership Supplement
Excerpt: Out of Crisis Breakthrough Leadership Supplement

"How can educators use lessons learned during the pandemic to create a more equitable learning environment for all students, keep the positive aspects of distance learning while mitigating the negative effects, and support students who are marginalized because of lack of internet access and families who are struggling economically and cannot support learning from home?"


The Tsunami
The Tsunami

This story of a Tsunami of difficult circumstances: "How did we make it through? In the end, we managed to come together around a vision rooted in a commitment to social justice and to being a caring and supportive community for all our students, teachers, and families."

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What Cares for the Caring School Leader?
What Cares for the Caring School Leader?

"To serve others well . . . all who give care need to regularly replen-ish the water they pour. Without replenishment, they will run dry and be of little use to anyone."

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Preface: Caring in Crisis
Preface: Caring in Crisis

"In the many years that we have worked in educational leadership and school improvement, we have come to believe that caring lies at the heart of schooling and promoting the learning and development of children."

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