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54 Results Found for "professional learning"


Webinar: Reentry Planning for the First 100 Days of School: A Leader-to-Leader Panel Session
Webinar: Reentry Planning for the First 100 Days of School: A Leader-to-Leader Panel Session

Corwin, the American Association of School Administrators, and REACH Education Solutions invite you to Reentry Planning for the First 100 Days of School--a free “Leader-to-Leader” panel discussion in which top practitioners and thought leaders across the US explore how to leverage the recent crisis to assure a new level of equity for our students.

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Webinar: Confronting the Crisis of Engagement
Webinar: Confronting the Crisis of Engagement

This webinar provides the practical tools needed to improve collaboration between students, teachers, and leaders for better engagement. When students are engaged with peers and adults they develop the skills necessary to organize and focus – essential for success in secondary school, post-secondary education, and the world beyond school.

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Transformational Technology Use: Professional Goal-Setting Guide
Transformational Technology Use: Professional Goal-Setting Guide

This resource from Disruptive Classroom Technologies will guide you to set goals for the use and integration of digital tools in your classroom at three levels of mastery: beginning, developing, and mastering.


What is Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
What is Curriculum-Based Professional Learning

"This work resulted in a core set of research-based actions, approaches, and enabling conditions that effective schools and systems have put in place to reinforce and amplify the power of high-quality curriculum and skillful teaching. We call these the Elements of curriculum-based professional learning, or simply the Elements." - Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning

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Virtual PL Checklist
Virtual PL Checklist

This checklist from The Distance Learning Playbook for School Leaders will help you to ensure that your next virtual professional learning session is successful.




The Importance of Debriefing in Learning and What That Might Look Like in the Classroom
The Importance of Debriefing in Learning and What That Might Look Like in the Classroom

"Debriefing is a daily exercise in most professions: business, politics, law enforcement, psychology, healthcare, law, etc. It is often seen as integral to the profession as members reflect on their learning experiences, track their progress, and name their understandings. In truth, debriefing is accepted as an everyday necessity in order for the professional to advance in his/her practice."

Read more from Margie Pearse, author of Teaching Numeracy, on Corwin Connect.

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A Call to Action: Elevating Your Commitment to Change
A Call to Action: Elevating Your Commitment to Change

"When professional learning mirrors the student experiences we hope to create, teachers inherently have a deeper understanding of the feelings and effects on the learning that the experience creates." Read more from Professional Learning Redefined authors Isabel Sawyer and Marisa Stukey on Corwin Connect.

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Curricular Resource Planning Tool
Curricular Resource Planning Tool

Use this tool from Professional Learning Redefined to support your thinking about how to use curricular resources in planning for professional learning. Consider the coherence between the materials teachers have and the desired instructional strategies.

