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54 Results Found for "professional learning"


Introducing the Leaders in Our Study
Introducing the Leaders in Our Study

We were privileged to learn from a diverse group of teachers, administrators, former leadership students, and other professionals in the field. Our hope was not, per se, to generate a book of best practices culled from the most successful, most accomplished justice-centering leaders out there (although we do, we are happy to report, get to recount many promising strategies and approaches!). Rather, we were interested in learning from leaders across the widest possible range of perspectives, identities, experiences, roles, geographies, and ways of knowing that we could at the time.

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Bad at Math? Book Study Guide
Bad at Math? Book Study Guide

In this book study guide for Bad at Math?, participants will have the opportunity to learn about and incorporate effective praise into their teaching, consider ways to support the idea that we are all math people, and much more. Every book study group or professional learning community is different and unique. If you are formally facilitating a book study group, this is meant to serve you as a guide, but you should feel free to make it your own and tailor it to the group you are facilitating.


Webinar: Confronting the Crisis of Engagement
Webinar: Confronting the Crisis of Engagement

This webinar provides the practical tools needed to improve collaboration between students, teachers, and leaders for better engagement. When students are engaged with peers and adults they develop the skills necessary to organize and focus – essential for success in secondary school, post-secondary education, and the world beyond school.

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Chapter 1: Skillful Intentional Leadership
Chapter 1: Skillful Intentional Leadership

In the first chapter of Intentional Moves, explore the four key tenets of a skillful approach, the 10 skillful team leader (STL) primary intentions, the STLs highligheted in the book, how the book is structured, and more. 

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Introduction to The Ten STL Primary Intentions
Introduction to The Ten STL Primary Intentions

Discover the moves covered within the 10 skillful team leader (STL) primary intentions in this detailed table of contents and tips for reading Intentional Moves.

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What is Curriculum-Based Professional Learning
What is Curriculum-Based Professional Learning

"This work resulted in a core set of research-based actions, approaches, and enabling conditions that effective schools and systems have put in place to reinforce and amplify the power of high-quality curriculum and skillful teaching. We call these the Elements of curriculum-based professional learning, or simply the Elements." - Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning

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The Upside (and Downside) of Being a Peer Leader
The Upside (and Downside) of Being a Peer Leader

"Being a peer leader poses unique challenges, but also offers unexpected advantages. In the following pages, I explore five understandings that skillful team leaders (STLs) have about peer leadership." - Intentional Moves.

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Manage Conflict
Manage Conflict

Explore moves skillful team leaders (STLs) can employ to manage conflict in this excerpt from Intentional Moves

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Work Toward a S-M-A-A-H-R-T Goal
Work Toward a S-M-A-A-H-R-T Goal

Even goals that technically meet the SMART criteriaspecific, measurable, attainable, results-driven, and time-bounddon't always advance student learning.  Skillful team leaders align goals to priorities and ensure people have a heartfelt commitment to reaching them.  

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Show & Tell: A Video Column / Rebuilding Teacher Efficacy
Show & Tell: A Video Column / Rebuilding Teacher Efficacy

The damaging message inferred from the learning-loss narrative is that educators' "extraordinary commitments" and dedicated "talents, energy, and resources" last year were all for naught.

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