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9 Results Found for "visible learning"

Making Learning Visible Starts with Teacher Clarity
Making Learning Visible Starts with Teacher Clarity

This excerpt from Visible Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12, explains how making learning visible starts with teacher clarity and the strategic use of learning intentions and success criteria promote student self-reflection and metacognition. 


Webinar: Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom
Webinar: Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom

Learn the strategies that build conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas and problem solving to help students demonstrate more than a year's worth of growth for every year spent in school. John Almarode and Kateri Thunder, authors of Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning ClassroomGrades K-2 and Grades 3-5, help participants learn how. By using the right approach at the right time you can design classroom experiences that maximize mathematics learning.

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