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Planning for the next school year? Get your staff ready now.

Ready for Restart

Planning for the next school year? Get your staff ready now.

The end of the 2019-20 school year was challenging. As you think about your plans for the next school year, know that Corwin is here to help. Our Professional Learning Advisors can guide you through key questions to consider as you think about how to lead your students and staff through uncertain times.

Ready for Restart


Rally Your Teachers


Your teachers are your greatest asset. Provide them the structures and processes to collaborate effectively to develop solutions to our most urgent problems of practice.  This is a critical first step to ensure teachers work together effectively to support students in the most meaningful way

See PLC+


Teacher Clarity

Get Clear on Instruction


Next, support teachers in how to provide instruction that is engaging and targeted to student needs. Teachers need clarity on how to best assess where students are in the fall, determine the focus of instructional units, and provide students what they need in meaningful and authentic ways. This is the foundation of effective teaching

See teacher clarity


Visible Learning+


Focus on Student Learning


Knowing our impact on students is the cornerstone of Professor John Hattie’s research findings. The best laid instructional plans put student learning and teacher impact at the forefront. Focus on student feedback and developing student independence and resilience so that students can monitor their own progress and take ownership of their learning.

See visible learning+


Deep Equity

Consider equity gaps


•The shift to distance learning has exposed and exacerbated the gaps that we have always known existed in various student populations. We cannot move forward with our reopening plans until we know how we will address issues of inequity and invalidations. It is imperative that we identify and mitigate gaps that stand in the way of inclusion, equity, and excellence for all.

See Deep Equity



A sample plan for developing high-impact practices now

To walk into the next school year prepared for success, start planning now. The summer months will be critical for setting your teachers set up for success. Here is a sample professional learning plan to guide your staff in developing an intentional, evidence-based approach to teaching and learning, no matter what next school year looks like.

Ready for Restart


Download strategic planning template

Ready for Restart

Use this planning template to support your teachers in tackling the challenges of the new school year. Includes fillable sections for teacher collaboration, instruction, student learning, and equity.




Get Started

Get in contact with your Senior Professional Learning Advisor to start planning and implementing long-term, sustainable professional learning that makes a positive impact on educators and student achievement.

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