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Many educators read fiction on their e-devices all of the time, but have never read a professional development ebook. Download a free ebook edition of any of these three titles and take your PD wherever you go.

*One per customer as long as supplies last.

Michael Rafferty, Colleen Morello, & Paraskevi Rountos

Follow this unique 4-part framework to develop students’ literal, inferential, evaluative, and analytical skills:

Engage: Before Reading Students use a tactile tool like a topic card or a pyramid

Discuss: During Reading Students read and mark up a short text

Deep-See Think: After Reading Students re-read and revise their interpretations together

Connect: After Reading Students begin to transfer their understandings to other texts

Grades K–5 | $29.95 value!

Laura Robb

Tackle students’ biggest barrier to complex text: word knowledge. Laura Robb provides a systematic vocabulary plan that takes just 10 to 15 minutes, and much of it is spent in partner and independent work. There are 35+ lessons paired with 50+ complex texts that:

  • Cover academic vocabulary, figurative language, denotative and connotative meanings, and more
  • Align with specific CCSS vocabulary and writing standards
  • Include strategies for ELLs and developing readers, along with formative assessments

Grades 4–8 | $26.95 value!

Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, & Diane Lapp

No matter what discipline you teach, learn how to use complexity as a dynamic, powerful tool for sliding the right text in front of your students’ at just the right time. Updates include:

  • How-to’s for measuring countable features of any written work
  • A rubric for analyzing the complexity of both literary and informational texts
  • Classroom scenarios that show the difference between healthy struggle and frustration
  • The authors’ latest thinking on teacher modeling, close reading, scaffolded small group reading, and independent reading

Grades K–12 | $34.95 value!