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What is the price of the Institute?

Standard Registration: $699 USD per person
Early Bird Registration: $599 USD per person if registered by June 30th
Group of three or more Registration: $649 USD per person

Please note that if we have not received a valid form of payment by November 2, your registration will be cancelled and you will not be allowed to attend the event.

What is the price of the Pre-Conference?

Standard Registration: $199 USD per person

Please note that if we have not received a valid form of payment by November 1, your registration will be cancelled and you will not be allowed to attend the event. 

What does the registration fee include?

The registration fee includes your tuition for the event, lunch, and session workbook. All of the materials associated with the conference will be given to attendees at check-in on the first day of the conference.Travel costs, parking, and accommodations are not included in the registration fee.

If my district is paying with a purchase order (PO) and I do not have the purchase order with me, am I still able to register for the event?

Yes, you can complete the registration process, just select PO as your method of purchase and click the Submit button. However, please note that your registration and session registration selections will not be finalized until we have received a valid purchase order from you. 

The registration site is asking for a PO number and to upload the PO but I don’t have it. What do I do?

Those are not required fields; you can still complete the registration process without uploading a PO or entering the PO number. However, please note that your registration and session registration selections will not be finalized until we have received a valid purchase order from you.

How should I send a PO to you after I have registered?

You can send your purchase order in one of three ways:

  1. Fax your purchase order to the Corwin Learning department, Attn: Institutes at (888) 340-4627.
  2. Mail your PO to: Corwin Professional Learning, Attn: Institutes, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320.
  3. Email your PO to

All purchase orders should that you submit should also include a copy of your registration confirmation email and/or the name and organization of each registrant that the PO applies to. All purchase orders should be made payable to Corwin Press. 

Who should I make my check/purchase order payable to?

Please make all checks and purchase orders payable to Corwin Press.

For even more information about this event, please see the FAQ's tab of the website.