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Visible Learning Foundation Day One-day pre-conference workshop

Take your first step to becoming a Visible Learning school!

The Visible Learningplus Foundation Day is a one-day workshop with Kristin Anderson, designed to provide you with practical activities and take-away tools. Part of the Visible Learning Foundation Series, this workshop is the first step that will help you become a Visible Learning School-a school that systematically examines effective instructional practice in order to determine the "impact" on student achievement and learning.

Kristin Anderson

You will learn:

  • The key philosophy of Visible Learning and the major factors that influence student learning and achievement
  • The importance of effect sizes as a useful way to measure progress
  • The key characteristics of assessment-capable learners (students who can answer: Where am I going? How am I going? Where to next?)
  • The mind frames leaders need to impact student achievement and instruction
  • The role of feedback
  • The importance of learning intentions and success criteria