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Workshop Descriptions

Popular Workshops

Two-Day Workshop “plus” Four Implementation Days

The 2-Day Workshop

Day 1: Focus is on the Classroom Protocol. The purpose of this protocol is to embed The Formative Assessment Process into the classroom culture. This ensures that teachers and students are partners in learning.

Day 2: Focus is the Impact Team Meeting Model. This model focuses on 6 purposeful protocols that strengthen teacher collective efficacy, the core belief that they can make a difference for ALL students.

Impact Teams Model Schools (4 Days)

Choosing one or two teacher teams interested in improving their collaborative practice, we focus the training and coaching on a handful of teams ‘ready’ to do the work. We ensure Impact Teams’ success by using a gradual release of responsibility framework to support schools and districts in developing model teams to build capacity within the system. By the end of the four days, the school will have at least one Impact Team that is proficient in the both classroom and team meeting protocols.

Session 1: Consultant facilitates the Impact Team meeting using the 3-step protocol. This provides a model for peer facilitators to develop the skills necessary to lead Impact Team meetings.

Session 2: Consultant and peer facilitator facilitate the team meeting together using the 3-step protocol. Peer facilitators and principals observe and debrief with consultant using evidence from the Impact Team Implementation rubric.

Session 3: A peer facilitator facilitates the team meeting independently. The consultant & principal observe and give feedback based on the Impact Team Implementation rubric.

Session 4: The principal facilitates the team meeting using the 3-step protocol. This ensures that the principal can lead the learning across the school community. The consultant and peer facilitator observe and give feedback to the principal and team based on the Impact Team Implementation rubric.