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296 Results Found for "professional learning"



Why attend a Corwin webinar? The next best thing to an on-site workshop, Corwin webinars are your opportunity to interact directly with the field’s most influential thought leaders on a range of critical issues. What’s more, they’re free! Invite your entire team for a start-to-finish professional learning experience. Or download the slides post-webinar and share with your colleagues..


What is Deep Equity founded on?

The foundational 5 phases underpins the Deep Equity process to:


Why attend a Corwin webinar? The next best thing to an on-site workshop, Corwin webinars are your opportunity to interact directly with the field’s most influential thought leaders on a range of critical issues. What’s more, they’re free! Invite your entire team for a start-to-finish professional learning experience. Or download the slides post-webinar and share with your colleagues..

Corwin Webinars in Collaboration with CASCD

Why attend a Corwin webinar? The next best thing to an on-site workshop, Corwin webinars are your opportunity to interact directly with the field’s most influential thought leaders on a range of critical issues. What’s more, they’re free! Invite your entire team for a start-to-finish professional learning experience. Or download the slides post-webinar and share with your colleagues..

Google Deep Equity Selligent Landing Page

Download our free equity strategy paper for K-12 education leaders

More than any other initiative or goal, equity initiatives require strong leadership, commitment, and courage from stakeholders at all levels of a school system. Our free strategy paper, "Building a Foundation for Achieving Deep Equity: Evidence-Based School Change," guides K-12 education leaders in understanding what it takes to lead the charge on equity, social justice, and anti-racism to create truly inclusive school environments.

Deep Equity Selligent Landing Page TDEN21427

Download our free equity strategy paper for K-12 education leaders

More than any other initiative or goal, equity initiatives require strong leadership, commitment, and courage from stakeholders at all levels of a school system. Our free strategy paper, "Building a Foundation for Achieving Deep Equity: Evidence-Based School Change," guides K-12 education leaders in understanding what it takes to lead the charge on equity, social justice, and anti-racism to create truly inclusive school environments.
