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Core Practice 1: Setting Goals for Coaching Cycles

One-shoot opportunities for professional development do little to improve student learning. Coaching cycles provide job-embedded professional development that is ongoing and data drive. Taking a more thorough approach to coaching provides both the time that students need to master the standard and the time that teachers need to develop their skill in delivering instruction that moves student learning forward.

The coach and teacher articulate what they hope the students will learn as a result of their partnership. Choosing a goal that begins with, “Students will…” ensures that we are student-centered. Goals may focus on the standards, student engagement, or behavior.


What it Looks/Sounds Like?

  • Student performance data may drive the goal-setting process
  • Coach helps the teacher understand that coaching is about a goal for student (rather than teacher) learning
  • Keeps the coaching cycle focused on what matters
  • Helps coaches measure their impact




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