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296 Results Found for "professional learning"


Clone of Welcoming All Brave Teachers

Corwin has one mission: to enhance education through intentional professional learning.

We build long-term relationships with our authors, educators, clients, and associations who partner with us to develop and continuously improve the best, evidence-based practices that establish and support lifelong learning.

Program Model

Core Program Component

Program Components

Phase I: Learning the Tools of Cultural Proficiency (3 days)

The Corwin Story

Whom you partner with matters. Watch our video and read our story to learn why you should partner with Corwin.

Pursuing Progress

The story of Konocti Unified School District

Clearlake, California


Konocti Unified School District in northern California has a hard-working staff. The Visible Learningplus school change process, based on Professor John Hattie’s research, is helping the school system work hard in key target areas, producing identifiable pockets of progress.



Our Impact

On-site professional learning with sustainable results
