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296 Results Found for "professional learning"



Introducing Cultural Proficiency

The sessions in this strand focus on one or all of the tools of Cultural Proficiency: Barriers, Continuum, Essential Elements, and Guiding Principles. These sessions are targeted towards participants who are discovering what cultural proficiency is or considering how it might be useful in their work.

Sign up for a Free Ebook

Many educators read fiction on their e-devices all of the time, but have never read a professional development ebook. Download a free ebook edition of any of these three titles and take your PD wherever you go.

*One per customer as long as supplies last.

Sign up for a Free Ebook

Many educators read fiction on their e-devices all of the time, but have never read a professional development ebook. Download a free ebook edition of any of these three titles and take your PD wherever you go.

*One per customer as long as supplies last.

About The Model

The 5 Phases of Deep Equity

The foundational 5 phases underpin the Deep Equity process to establish a safe climate that allows staff and students to engage in open conversations about persistent inequities, identify the root causes of inequities in educational systems, focus on practical applications of culturally responsive practices for classroom teachers, and create a long-term, sustainable plan for systemic transformation.

