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Danley, Gina M. Estrada

Gina M. Estrada Danley

Gina M. Estrada Danley has been a teacher of gifted and talented students since 1997. She taught junior high English for 11 years and has served as district GATE resource teacher in the Santa Maria-Bonita School District for 4 years.

Jolene A. Borgese

Jolene’s experiences came from the fact that she was a “young, naïve teacher with little writing instruction and experience.” The remedy: she became involved in the first writing project in Pennsylvania in the summer of 1980 when she attended the six-week summer writing institute. For the next 15 years she was the co-director of the project with Dr. Robert Weiss at West Chester University.

Richard E. Heyler

Dick’s interest in writing and visualizing goes back to his college days at Penn State University when he was a writing major with a minor in photography. After graduation, he traveled the country in a Kerouac-mode working as a photographer. From Maine to Colorado to Florida and every state in between, he met the people of the country and heard their stories. Returning from “the road” he began teaching English in the Athens Area School District in Athens, Pennsylvania.

Stephanie A. Romano

Stephanie taught first and second grade where creative writing was a part of the language arts curriculum. She encouraged her students to be storytellers and write their stories down; not just Stephanie, but also her students and school community heard and saw the power of their stories through their authorship. Years later, Stephanie was offered a position as a reading specialist in a public school in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Sheehan, Martin R.

Martin R. Sheehan

Dr. Martin R. Sheehan, integrates a background in research psychology, Direct Instruction, special education, and media development. He is the owner of Double S Instructional Systems and has received federal funding for over 10 National Institutes of Health Small Business grant projects.

Robin C. Thompson

Robin Thompson is curriculum coordinator for Manatee High School. Prior to this position, she served as reading coach and an intensive reading teacher at the high school, and taught various elementary and middle school grades. Thompson enjoys the process of designing, building, and launching professional learning networks. Her degree is in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in literacy, and she is especially interested struggling adolescent readers.

Laurie C. Kitchie

A graduate of the University of Florida in educational technology, I lean towards the concept of connectivism when it comes to educating adolescent and adult learners alike. In today’s digital environment it is more important than ever to explore the biology of the human mind as well as the tools that exist outside the human mind that aid in learning. I have experience teaching both English and reading in grades 6-12.

Gagnon, Robert J.

Robert J. Gagnon

Currently the Principal of Manatee High School in Bradenton, Florida, I have had the honor of bringing a D-rated high school on the Florida Department of Education school-rating scale to an A-rating. I have worked diligently to demonstrate leadership and believe firmly that through teacher empowerment and the modeling of effective guidance any school climate can be transformed and improved.

Judy Swanson

Judy Swanson leads a not-for-profit research and evaluation firm, Research for Quality Schools, in Seattle, WA. For 20 years she has conducted research in urban schools throughout the US. Her expertise and recent research has focused on teacher leadership, professional development for instructional improvement, and teacher development at all stages of a teacher's career. She has worked with CSTP to develop and facilitate case writing retreats for teacher leaders since 2003.

Elliott, Kimberly

Kimberly Elliott

For 19 years, Kimberly Elliott has written about P–16 education reform issues, raised funds to support innovative health and education projects, and developed curriculum materials. As The Word Mechanic, she currently helps clients such as The Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession (CSTP), Education Development Center, Inc.

Harmon, Jeanne M.

Jeanne M. Harmon

Jeanne Harmon is the founding Executive Director for the Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession, an independent nonprofit organization focused on improving teaching quality in Washington State. Before launching CSTP in 2003, she managed the public-private partnership that created Washington’s statewide system of support for National Board Certification.
