Kate Kennedy develops and leads professional development workshops for educators on how to use value-added analysis, formative assessment, and other research-based strategies and tools for school improvement. A Director at Battelle for Kids in Columbus, Ohio, she also develops online learning resources to support educators’ efforts to apply these strategies to accelerate student progress.
Dr. Mary Peters has conducted extensive research in the area of value-added analysis. In her role as Battelle for Kids’ Senior Director of Value-Added Research Services, Mary was responsible for managing a $6M grant with the Ohio Department of Education pertaining to the delivery and training of value-added analysis to school personnel across Ohio.
With more than 30 years of education experience, Dr. Mike Thomas is one of the foremost experts on the implementation of value-added analysis for school improvement in the United States. Most recently, Mike has provided value-added training to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the Houston Independent School District (TX), the Fort Worth Independent School District (TX), and numerous districts throughout New York and Ohio.
Laura Hedin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special and Early Education at Northern Illinois University. She teaches instructional methods courses including reading methods in both the graduate and undergraduate special education certification programs. Her research interests include reading in the content areas for intermediate and secondary students with disabilities as well as teacher preparation and co-teaching.
Leslie Laud has differentiated math instruction in her own classroom and in her co-teaching with her math colleagues, and has been doing so for almost two decades. She teaches an online course on Differentiated Middle School Math Instruction at Bank Street College of Education. Additionally, she has presented at many conferences both nationally and internationally, including The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics annual conference.
Daniela Torre is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Education Policy at Vanderbilt University. Her research interests include school improvement, particularly for English learners and at-risk students. Previously she taught for five years as an elementary school teacher in both traditional public and charter schools. She earned her B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis and her M.A.
Nancy Willard, M.S., J.D. is the director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use. She has degrees in special education and law. She taught “at risk” children, practiced computer law, and was an educational technology consultant before focusing her professional attention on issues of youth risk online and effective management of student Internet use. She has focused on issues of youth risk online and effective Internet use management since 1995.
Dr. Michael W. Corrigan is a well-published Associate Professor and Director of Research at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. He teaches Educational Psychology, Human Development, and Research Methods. Dr. Corrigan’s more recent large scale research projects include five U.S.
Dr. Doug Grove is well respected from coast to coast for providing outcome and process evaluation services to local and state education agencies. Grove is an Associate Professor at Vanguard University of Southern California where he serves as Director of Graduate Programs in the School of Education. Grove has an extensive background in Educational Leadership, Research Design and Methodology. Dr.
Dr. Philip Fitch Vincent, known to many as the voice of character education, and to others as the Poor Dr. Phil, brings more than 25 successful years of experience as an educator and an administrator to his consulting, grant project management, presentations, workshops, and many books. Dr. Vincent received his Master’s degree in education from Appalachian State University in 1979 and his doctor of education degree in curriculum and instruction from North Carolina State University in 1991. Dr.